CBID Nominating Committee
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Hello CBID Members,

Just as one election cycle ends another kicks off, though we promise this one will be shorter and less acrimonious. CBID has elections yearly for its Officers and Executive Committee. For those elections to run smoothly, and as outlined in our constitution, we need a Nominating Committee of nine people. Usually we choose the nine people at the November meeting but due to a personal situation on my part that didn't happen so I am soliciting committee members here. 

If you are a dues paying member of CBID we want you on our Nominating Committee.

We have three Executive Committee members on the committee which mean we need six regular members. This is a great way to get involved in the club and help us maintain our tradition of fairness and transparency. It involves at least one in-person meeting between now and the end of the year and some emails.

You may also choose to run to be an Officer or member of the Executive Committee. The officers include:
  1. President;
  2. First Vice-President;
  3. Second Vice-President;
  4. Treasurer;
  5. Corresponding Secretary;
  6. Recording Secretary.
And the Executive Committee equals ten percent of the General Membership, not to exceed 30, plus the Officers.

If you are willing to serve on the Nominating Committee please email me at bencbid@gmail.com

In Solidarity!

Benjamin Solotaire
President, CBID

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