Strata News & Information
Hello <<First Name>>
Well, here we are NSW! The Reforms officially begin TODAY. We have quite a few NSW strata reform articles below. For a full library of all previously published reform posts, please visit our FactSheet: Strata Reforms and check under the NSW tab.
We are excited to welcome our new fortnightly newsletter sponsors: Rockend. Rockend are joining our long time friends, Whitbread Insurance Brokers, to sponsor newsletters on alternate weeks. See Rockend's fantastic new banner above ^.
Catch up on the latest Q&As, with these articles:
Announcement: City of Sydney Grants are now open:
- Ratings and assessments Grants
- Building operations grants.
Find out more here - register for a Q&A meeting on the 6th Dec 2016.
We have a call out from our engaged subscribers for more content specific to Victorian and Western Australian legislation. Please let me know if you can assist.
Don't forget our exceptional offer from ElectMaven, who are looking for input in the development of their digital strata voting platform. For details and to explore whether this offer may be of interest to you, see the banner and article below, or read more here.
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NSW: Fair Trading Contact Centre Prepares For Strata Law Reform
NSW Fair Trading
NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe today reminded owners, tenants, strata and property managers that new strata laws will come into effect next Wednesday, 30 November 2016. They have opened a Strata Hotline to help answer questions.
QLD: Q&A Strata Manager Not Responding To Instructions Due to Minor Procedural Inadequacies
Frank Higginson
Question: Our Strata Manager is not responding to clear wishes of the majority of committee members because of some minor procedural inadequacies.
NSW: Q&A Which Doors and Windows Need Strata Window Locks?
Anthony Shakar, ASQB Window Safety
Question: How do we know which doors and windows in our apartment require strata window locks? Does the new legislation mean we cannot enjoy fresh air?
NSW Strata Reforms & Tenants Rights
Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
When the new Management Act 2015 commences, eligible tenants have certain rights. Who are “eligible tenants”? What rights do they have after 30 November 2016?
NSW: Fines Get Bigger For Breaching Strata ByLaws
Andrew Jakes, Ace Body Corporate Management
Fines are being doubled for breaching strata bylaws and if you are caught offending twice in the same year, expect to pay double again in strong new legislation set to mean big changes for 2.1 million owners statewide.
NSW: Tips on How To Run A Good Strata Meeting - PODCAST
Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property featuring Karina Heinz, Propessive Strata Services
Good strata meeting procedures are important! Here we discuss steps to having a good strata meeting - starting with creating a clear and thoughtful agenda. Hear the quick wins and tips you can take away now.
VIC: What’s yours and what‘s common property?
Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
Questions are commonly received by strata managers from owners along the lines of ‘What is mine and what is part of common property’. The list of questions can be somewhat exhaustive and often requires viewing the property’s plan of subdivision, however this article attempts to address some of the more common areas of concern for owners.
Did you know......NSW Reforms
Your Reform information library! Access all previously published NSW Strata Reform articles from this one FactSheet. Have some concerns about an area of the new legislation? Take a read. It's all there.
Wondering how you will keep up with the changes to Legislation over the next few months?
Which Acts are changing and when? How can you easily access the new Acts?
See the 'New South Wales' tab on our Strata Legislation page for details about the upcoming changes to NSW Legislation. This information has been provided by Leanne Habib, Premium Strata.
Don't forget to bookmark the page - it's an excellent resource and one of the most viewed pages on our site.
Jimmy Thomson, Domain
Sydney’s unit blocks may soon get a feature they will share with pubs’ pokie parlours, as well as some overseas international airports. Apartment owners will soon be able to set up smoking zones on common property.
A Current Affair
The letterbox bandits who will steal your mail and then your identity, as organised crime syndicates find newer and easier ways of targeting unsuspecting victims. Thanks to Franck Bossi, Prox Access for bringing this security update to our attention.
Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
In this segment Michael looks at the ways in which by-laws govern parking, pets and a range of other facets of life in strata.
Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter
VIC: Q&A Becoming A Self Managed Strata Scheme – Can I Stop This?
Kristi Kinast, LOC Strata Management
Question: Our developer, who still owns the majority of the lots, has decided they want to self-manage the building. How can I stop this from happening?