Recent International Coverage of Migration
Migration Research Center at Koç University

Migration Research Center at Koç University

International Press Reader
November 12 - 25, 2016

Forced from Home is an interactive, outdoor educational exhibition presented by Doctors Without Borders to raise public awareness about the experience of the world’s more than 65 million refugees and internally displaced people.
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Migration this Week            Academic Opportunities

A collection of news articles, op-eds and thinkpieces on migration

Migrants protest at Istanbul detention center; more Afghans sent back 'home'

On the night of October 19, around 120 migrants fled from Kumkapi detention center in Istanbul, protesting their conditions. The migrants detained, mostly of Afghani and Pakistani origin, are facing deportation. To protest their living conditions in the repatriation center, the migrants set the furniture on fire.

Increasingly, Afghan migrants are sent back from Turkey as well as European countries and neighboring countries. Back in Afghanistan, fighting between the Taliban and government forces perseveres and continues to displace Afghans internally. Young Afghans, sometimes second or third generation migrants, especially suffer upon their return, having few links to the country and not knowing where to go.

Trump's presidency inspires movement across the States and migrants to change their routes

Building a border wall, deportation of undocumented migrants, and banning Muslims from travel to the U.S. were some of Trump’s prime campaign promises. Now that he has won the elections, experts discuss whether president-elect Trump can actually keep his promises to his voters. It’s likely that Trump will reverse Obama’s DACA program, which gave temporary protection from deportation and work permits to undocumented youth who entered the country before the age of 16, and expand the ICE force. The New Yorker takes a deeper look at the possible impact of Trump’s presidency on these “Dreamers”, fearing it may tear apart communities and their safety.

Meanwhile, cities and university campuses around the States have come together to stand up for the undocumented migrants in their communities. As Sanctuary Cities or Campuses, these spaces can become a safe haven for students, staff and their family members who face deportation under Trump’s administration. The movement dates back to the 1980s to protect those fleeing violence in Central America. Seattle, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Philadelphia have already renewed their commitment as sanctuary cities. Now a growing number of university campuses is trying to do the same - and raises questions over the legal and federal basis of such a policy.

While Trump plays on the idea that thousands of Mexicans - and other Latin Americans - are trying to come to the United States, more and more migrants are in fact staying on the Mexican side of the border. There, they struggle to get (international) protection as most asylum claims are rejected by the Mexican Refugee Agency. Since Trump’s victory, some are returning home, fearing even more hardships and challenges under his presidency. At the same time, an increasing number of Mexican migrants in the U.S. is returning home, mostly through family reunification, totalling a net loss of 140,000 between 2009 and 2014.

Other news in migration this week

In Greece, tensions continue to rise between migrants and the host community, while the temperature is dropping to extreme colds. A camp in Chios has been attacked with Molotov cocktails and large stones by far-right supporters, leaving dozens of migrants without a place to sleep. Civil society and humanitarian organizations are struggling to meet the needs of more than 50,000 migrants who are facing a harsh winter. Just recently, a fire erupted in one of the camps when a mother tried to keep her family warm by turning on their hotplate.

In Burma, a mass fire has destroyed 430 buildings in three different ethnic Rohingya villages. The fire follows increased violence by security forces and the armed forces prevent independent observers from entering the provinces.

A town near Munich is erecting a 4-meter wall to separate the native residents from refugees in a local migrant camp. On a higher political level, Germany has announced a “Marshall Plan” to keep African migrants at bay - realizing that without economic opportunities at home, people may try to reach Europe regardless of the harsh conditions of the journey.

The continuing operations in Mosul have already displaced over 50,000 people, as the number doubled within just 10 days. UNHCR calls for more support - especially as winter approaches.

What does it mean to live in a political world in which emotional appeals and fake news trump objective fact? IRIN News compiles a list of the most influential post-truths on the topic of migration and refugees, as well as the facts that debunk them.



Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group is now accepting paper proposals for their 2017 Conference, “Childhoods in Motion: Children, Youth, Migration, and Education”. To learn more about the conference and application procedure, click here.

Deadline: December 2, 2016

The Urban Studies and Practices Journal welcomes paper proposals for a special issue on Migrant and the City. The special issue aims to harness the elusive reality of this interconnection by bridging both disciplinary and theory-practice gaps and inviting scholars and practitioners to share their reflections on the topic. For more information, click here.

Deadline: January 15, 2017



The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity welcomes applications for up to five new doctoral and post-doctoral positions in the Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity. Currently the department is especially looking to expand its work on diversities in Europe and Africa, particularly in urban contexts. Read more here.

Deadline: January 11, 2017



Migration Matters has launched its new online course, “Migration 101”. The series, led by Hein de Haas, debunks some of the most commonly held preconceptions about migration through with short, daily videos.


A new Migration Policy Center and IOM study titled “Study on Migrants’ profiles, drivers of migration and migratory trends”, analyzes the socioeconomic background of migrants and refugees who have fled to Italy. The study is authored by Luigi Achilli, Philippe Fargues, Justyna Salamonska and Teresa Talo. Access the article here.


The new volume of International Migration can now be accessed online. The issue comprises a number of articles on migration and migration management, including topics such as the response to sex trafficking in Turkey, asylum systems in the Western Balkans, and Ecuadorian return migrants from Spain.

About MiReKoç

Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) was established in August 2004 as a grant-giving program by the joint initiation of Koç University (Istanbul) and the Foundation for Population, Migration, and Environment (PME, Zurich).

As of 2010 MiReKoc has become a fully functioning research center aimed at developing the research capacity to address migration issues in Turkey.

In addition to being an institutionalized hub for Turkey-related migration research, MiReKoc also initiates conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars aimed at engaging students, academics, bureaucrats, policymakers, stakeholders and civil society organizations (CSO).

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