
Ontario Contact 2016
Thank you!
The Ontario Contact team extends its sincerest thanks to all of our funders, partners, sponsors, silent auction donors, hosting venues- Showplace Performance Centre and Market Hall Performing Arts Centre, volunteers, tech crew and, of course, delegates and artists for making #OnCon2016 in Peterborough a great success!
Ontario Contact 2016 in Review
This year, Ontario Contact, Ontario Presents’ annual performing arts conference, had over 250 delegates attending showcases; professional development workshops for artists and presenters; hospitality and conducting business during the three-day conference. Important conversations were also had on engaging Indigenous communities, in the "This Land, Ontario" session with members from local Indigenous communities and representatives from IPAA (Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance) and CAPACOA. This conversation paved the way for a weekend full of incredible artist showcases and discussions.
Congratulations 2016 Award Winners!
Save the Date for #OnCon2017 in Petrolia!
Ontario Contact 2016 went out with a bang thanks to the Town of Petrolia, who will be hosting Ontario Contact 2017.
Submissions for showcasing artists will open in February of 2017 and more information will be released as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Ewing, Ontario Contact manager.
See you all in Petrolia, Ontario for Ontario Contact 2017!
IAMA Toronto 2016
Thank you!
A huge thank you to our funders: Canada Council for the Arts, The Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council; our partners: IAMA, Canadian Music Centre, Opera.ca, Orchestras Canada, The Aga Khan Museum, Roy Thomson Hall & Koerner Hall; incredible staff & organizing committee; volunteers; delegates; artists and our generous sponsors.
IAMA Toronto in Review
Straight from Ontario Contact, the Ontario Presents team blazed into another large scale performing arts conference for stakeholders in the international Classical Music sector - IAMA Toronto 2016, produced in partnership with IAMA (International Association for Artist Managers) based out of the UK. The event drew guests from across Canada and the world for three days of thought-provoking discussions, curated Canadian Classical Music showcases and meetings.
The encompassing theme of the conference was "Cultural Crossroads", which used Toronto as a backdrop for building relationships for Canadian classical music in the international marketplace and explore avenues of supporting diversity in delegates' respective communities. The conference also introduced delegates to a different definition of "classical music" which was displayed in the varied showcases that explored from Chloe Charles and her contemporary classical stylings to the electrifying Cris Derksen's Orchestral Powow to Constantinople, who converges classical repertoire from the Middle-East and Western traditions.
A unique aspect of this conference was the four original works that were commissioned with the support of the conference and chosen by the Toronto 2016 Organizing Committee. The first was by Cris Derksen's Orchestral Powow, which powerfully invited the delegates into Koerner Hall on the opening day of the conference before the opening remarks. The second was composed by Dinuk Wijeratne performed by Dinuk Wijeratne and Kinan Azmeh which mesmerized the whole of Koerner Hall. The third, "The Lampman Songs" composed by James Rolfe for The Gryphon Trio with Carla Huhtanen. The final piece, "These Trees, The Lungs" was composed by Hussein Janmohamed performed by Awaaz Ensemble which created an atmosphere of enchantment inside the concert hall at The Aga Khan Museum.
Since it's closing, the conference garnered tremendous feedback and the team has high hopes that the conference opened doors for Canadian classical music in the international marketplace.
Ontario Presents & IAMA Toronto 2016 gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, The Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council.

Arts Presenting webinars are BACK!
Funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the series is designed to help volunteer to mid-size presenting organizations access quality professional development. The webinars are FREE and open to all!
Join us on Wednesdays at 1 pm EST for a webinar of your choice. SIGN UP NOW!
Upcoming Webinars
The topics were chosen based on your feedback from the past webinar surveys and will cover the following areas:
- January-February, 2017: Money: planning for it, getting it, tracking results
- February-March, 2017: Festival Presenting
- April-May, 2017: Digital Marketing for Arts Presenting
Ontario Presents, CAPACOA & IPAA Recieve Trillium Seed Grant
Jayson Duggan, MPP Jeff Leal, Danielle Lefebvre & Cole Alvis
MPP Jeff Leal had the opportunity to formally congratulate the three partners on receiving a $75,000 Seed Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation earlier this year to coordinate a new initiative that builds new levels of awareness between Indigenous arts leaders.
Funds from the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant are being used to hire special project staff to build relationships between Indigenous communities, artists and leaders and mainstream presenters and to help deliver this pilot program in different Ontario communities, including Peterborough. Read more about this initiative here.
Ontario Presents at Arts Day at Queen's Park

Shown above are Brant MPP Dave Levac, Speaker of the Ontario Legislative Assembly posing with OP board members Patty Jarvis and Glenn Brown at the November 23rd Arts Day at Queen’s Park concluding reception in the legislative building.
Patty and Glenn participated along with 72 other culture workers in 45 individual sessions with MPP and Policy Advisors at the second Arts Day at Queen’s Park on November 23rd. Teams of 3-4 culture colleagues helped deliver the message about the valuable role that the arts and the Ontario Arts Council play in the province’s social, economic, and cultural life.