In 2015, the Mississippi Lake Association switched to a professional email management service, to permit us to communicate important messages regarding the lake, and ongoing activities of the MLA, in a more timely and convenient manner. Most importantly, it allows the MLA to be fully compliant with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to protect your privacy and safeguard your contact information.
Our e-newsletter, Your Mississippi Minute, is published six times per year and provides a great way for the MLA to let you know about the many activities in our community. If emergency situations arise, such as an algae bloom, or a health issue, or a road accident affecting the bridges over the river, the MLA can use this email system to provide timely Emergency Information to our subscribers.
If you have already consented to receiving information from us, please re-confirm this consent and allow us to better serve you, by filling in the Form below. Thank you very much for your continued support of the MLA.
If you are new to the MLA, please accept our warmest welcome, and allow us to add you to our contact list, by filling in the Form below.
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