Word on the Street: November 2016 - Thanks-Giving, Transportation Measures recap, How You Can Help
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Join Us This Thursday!

 Come and learn what WOBO
has in store for 2017 



Neighborhood campaigns gaining momentum

New Ride Like a Girl and Women Bike Happy Hours

Oakland Urban Paths

Fundraising and Board Development

Big-time fun events with lots of opportunities to get involved!!


Get a chance to talk with:

Reps from OakDOT:
Oakland's new transportation dept.

Campaign Managers from Measure KK:
Oakland's successful infrastructure bond

Leaders from Neighborhood campaigns

The WOBO Board of Directors 

*If you arrive past 7:00pm the doors to the building will be locked so please contact a WOBO board member to let you in. Text 510-761-9626.

Bike Club Highlights


Oakland YellowJackets Bike Club and Grizzly Peak Cyclists in the House!
Oakland's got a buzzing bicycling scene. We're building more formal relationships with them because we know you'd enjoy riding with these groups.

For our first of the year WOBO Weekend ride, we invite you to pedal with the Oakland YellowJackets Bike Club Sunday January 15, 10am - 1pm.  They've been weekend road bike warriors since 1986 and will navigate us from the low lands at Lake Merritt (meet at the Pergola) up to scenic and rolling hills of Oakland. It's hilly - you know, Skyline, Mountain, etc.  But per WOBO's tradition, no one gets dropped. We'll take breaks in between to catch our breath.  

This here's Jim O'Melia, WOBO's Community Liaison to the Grizzly Peak Cyclists (GPC).

Every year since 1975, GPC holds an annual century (100-miles or so) ride to raise funds for bike organizations. WOBO's a proud beneficiary of the GPC's generosity so we can continue our work in connecting neighborhoods and building a strong sense of community. And, we get Jim, who can be spotted volunteering at Oaklavia, or strolling with Oakland Urban Paths.  Jim says, "I love being outside: hiking, backpacking and cycling [and] really like Oakland's attractions: Jack London Square, Paramount Theater, Mario Chioda's statues off 19th St, Lake Merritt and much more." 

Now is the Time to Join WOBO

The end of the year is the best time to contribute to your favorite non-profits, so put your tax-deductible dollars to work!! 

WOBO needs to continue our successful track record working with community members, city staff and leadership. Your support is critical in allowing us to continue that, and Members receive:
  • WOBO’s e-newsletter
  • Special invitations to WOBO events
  • All fee-based WOBO Weekend walks and rides are FREE
  • 2016 Oakland Bikeways Map and the 5th Edition Walk Oakland Map
  • Join at the $50 level and above receive a free WOBO t-shirt

Caltrans Awards Oakland
$10 Million in
Street Improvements 
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The news keeps getting better with Oakland street improvement funding, now that the Caltrans Highway Safety Improvement Program is giving Oakland a solid $10 Million for a range of positive improvements!

Highlights Include:

Class II Bike Lanes, Pedestrian Crossing safety features, protected turn lanes and vehicle/bicycle detection at intersections

Many improvements will be concentrated in East Oakland and Fruitvale. Thanks Caltrans for your holiday gift!


Help Us Spread WOBO Cheer 
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Taking a stroll or going for a ride is always more fun with your friends,
so why not invite them to join WOBO?
We've made it easy!
Just click on this email link, make a couple of personal edits and you're done!


WOBO Wants You!  

WOBO is Seeking Board members: How could you resist? Be a part of this amazing team of public health, urban planning, advocacy and policy, landscape architects and marketing specialists.

We're looking for talented, self-motivated folks to lead the charge on WOBO's exciting programs.  Love working with community members? Got some organizing chops for events like Love Our Neighborhood Day and WOBO Weekends? Have some mad people skills and are comfortable using contact and donor management databases? Learn more on our VolunteerMatch posting.

We'll See Ya There!

12/8: WOBO 2017 Updates and New Office Open House

12/10: OUP Rockridge Ramble

12/15: BPAC Monthly Meeting

12/24: Scraper Bikes Holiday Lights 

1/15: WOBO Weekend Ride with Oakland YellowJackets
Let's Get Together! We're planning on an evening together to prep materials for our end of year membership appeal. Sign up to help! 

We're Looking for folks to join our 2017 planning teams. Got great ideas for campaigns in your neighborhood? Itchin' to help develop next year's Bike Month (May) activities? Want to be on the Ride Like a Girl and Women Bike Happy Hour support crew? Want to connect with neighbors in the Golden Gate to plan the 2017 Open Streets program? Email us 
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
Park Blvd Community Meeting 
Thanks to all of the awesome, dedicated members of the Park Blvd community who came out to voice their oppinion and concerns. WOBO will continue to work closely with you all to ensure a safer Park Blvd happens soon.  
Twitter Highlight:
Thanks @FTFYOakland and especially the North Oakland school district for stopping double parking in bike lanes with these nifty flex posts!
Quote Of The Month:
"Self-driving technology could allow cities to redevelop at least 50 percent of their current street parking permanently, reclaiming space for sidewalks and dramatically expanding the public realm."

-National League of Cities report, "City of the Future: Technology & Mobility"
Don't be shy...

1330 Broadway 3rd Fl
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2016 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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