Christmas Hymns in Hauser Hall

Wednesday, December 7, 6 p.m. Our Christmas dinner will be served. Afterwards, our organist and choirmaster, Patrick O’Briant, will play our favorite Christmas hymns and carols. The menu for Christmas Dinner is lasagna, breadsticks and salad with a cost of $6.00 per person.

Vestry Election Results

Thank you to all who offered to serve on the Vestry.
The results of the election this past Sunday were as follows:

3 Year Term
Richard Alligood
Lenora Chandler
Walker Holmes Haigh
Mary Flagg Nimocks Haugh

This Week @ St. John's

Wednesday, December 7
5:00 p.m. - Children's Choir
5:15 p.m. - Worship
5:30 p.m. - Children's Bible Adventures

5:30 p.m. -  Handbells
6:00 p.m. -  Christmas Dinner & Hymns

Sunday, December 11
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite I 
8:15 a.m. - Parish Family Breakfast

10:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II

Sunday Opportunities for Children
Quiet Bags: Thank you for remembering to return the bag with clipboard and the crayons at the end of the service.
Nursery: 9 a.m. - noon ages 0 - 2
9:15am Bunch: Preschool - 3rd grade
This week the 9:15am Bunch will learn about the tradition of the candy cane.
Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.: 4th - 5th Grade
Children’s Chapel 10:15 a.m.: Preschool - 3rd grade
Wednesday Evening Meal 
Christmas Dinner

Cost: $6.00 per person

Annual Christmas Pageant

Saturday, December 24. 4 p.m. 
The time-honored Christmas Pageant will be a part of the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve service at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Green Street in Fayetteville, N.C.

We invite all children and grandchildren of St. John parishioners from ages preschool through 5th grade to participate in this remarkable pageant that tells the story of Jesus’ birth! There is a part for everyone!

For more information and to enter your child/children in the pageant, e-mail the church ( or our pageant directors Claire Hedgecoe ( and Kensley Edge ( A sign up sheet is also posted on the bulletin board outside of Hauser Hall.

(Click here for additional information and the Rehearsal Schedule.)
Monday Meditations
Fred Klinck, vestry member, recommends a weekly meditation from blog Click here to read the blog post for Monday, December 5th.  RenewalWorks is brought to you by Forward Movement, a ministry of The Episcopal Church that seeks to inspire disciples and empower evangelists. 

Reading the daily offices is one of the ways we can practice a rule of life. There is also an app that will give us daily offices complete with scripture readings and hymns. Google "mission St Clare" and scroll down for the app. Click get and install and you have it right on your phone.
Poinsettia Memorials
Remember your loved ones and donate a poinsettia. Submission forms are available at the church and in this bulletin. The poinsettias will adorn St. John’s during Christmas. The plants are $15 each. Forms are due December 18 and are available by clicking here, in the Bulletin, outside the Chapel and across from the elevator.

Family Promise Collection

Please help support Family Promise (Cumberland Interfaith Hospitality Network) as they struggle to provide housing, not only for their normal families in transition, but also for several families who lost housing because of Hurricane Matthew.

We are collecting the following items in Hauser Hall: toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, cleaning products, laundry detergent, dish detergent, and other household items.  They also need 3 couches, 3 metal bed frames (preferably the expandable type that can go from twin to queen), new mattresses, cooking utensils, and household linens.  Small items can go into the plastic bins in Hauser Hall.

If you would like to donate a large item, please contact either Denise Giles at Family Promise (910-860-4417), Ruth Gates ( or Sybil Sasaki ( so that delivery can be arranged. Thank you for participating in this vital community outreach!

Advent Study - Bible Study Skills

Chaplain (Col) Jim Brisson is presenting an Advent series on “Bible Study Skills” that began on Sunday, November 27 in Hauser Hall at 9:30 a.m.  The course will cover Bible study skills for those interested in growing their faith through Bible Study.  Advent is a season of preparation and Bible Study skills will start us off strong for the new year.  

Rood Screen

Rood Screen Greening - Wednesday, December 14, all day starting at 9:30 a.m. The Rood Screen will be greened all day Wednesday. Light refreshments and a lunch are provided. Come as you are able to tie cedar branches to our Rood Screen. 

Rood Screen Installation -  Saturday, December 17. The Rood Screen will be installed in the sanctuary for the Christmas services. We’d love to have your help in setting up.

Please contact Dick Kells at (910) 860-5628 for more information.

Christmas Sip'n'Sing

Sunday, December 18, 5:30 p.m. One of the most festive and fun events of the year is the annual Sip ‘n Sing. An evening of fellowship, food, and brightening the day for our shut-ins with caroling, this is an event that is full of the Christmas spirit. 
We will gather at 5:30 p.m. at the beautiful home of Deborah and Walter Greene, 129 Parkview Avenue.  Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre, your beverage of choice, and your singing voice! 
Stewardship Update
Thanks to the following families and individuals who made pledges of financial support to St. John's Episcopal Church for 2017 since our last update:
Susan and George Bender and Marilyn Ellerbe

A status board displaying our progress toward this year's Stewardship goals is located in the hallway outside the Gift Shop. Pledge cards and additional copies of the narrative budget are available on the display table. Pledge cards can be mailed to the church office, placed in the alms basin at worship services, or dropped in the box located adjacent to the display.  Please contact a member of the Vestry if you have any questions or comments.

Children's Chapel 

We are looking for volunteers to help with Children's Chapel. Two adults are needed every Sunday from 10:25-11:00 a.m. Our volunteers rotate so that you only have to help one Sunday every month or so. The lessons are already prepared, so you can just show up and follow the lesson! This is a very important and necessary ministry for our children to have during the church service. Please contact Claire Hedgecoe st if you are interested in helping.

New acolytes wanted!

We are looking for young people who wish to be a part of the worship service.  As acolytes, youth learn to cultivate leadership and responsibility. We encourage everyone in 4th through 12th grade to participate, and training will be provided.  Please speak with your child about this very important ministry.
For information, please contact Grant Steffan at or Heath and Heather Privette at 913-702-6996 or email You may also call the church office at 483-7405 for information.

Care for the Deployed

Care for the Deployed has care packages ready and available to ship. Our mission is to thank and support our deployed soldiers. If your loved one is deployed and you would like CFD to send him or her a care package, please contact Judith Borger via email:
(T) 910.483.7405  /  (F) 910.483.8980  /  COMMUNICATIONS@STJOHNSNC.ORG
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