Seeking quotes and pictures
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Hello! I realize I just sent out a newsletter last week, but I have been asked to write an article for the Green Schools National Network (GSNN) about the Monarch Watch, and I need your help! In particular, the article will focus on two elements: students involved in our Monarch Tagging Program and the Waystation Network.

I would love to include some
direct quotes from your students and/or you! If you have any to share with me for this purpose, please send them my way this week if possible. The quotes can be humorous, inspirational, heartfelt, dramatic, educational, etc. and will have your name/school information attached. Their newsletters are read by over 10,000 people each month, so if your quotes or pictures are selected, this could be some positive recognition for you, your students and your school!

And while you're at it, go ahead and send me any of those garden-related
pictures you would like to show off. I am gathering images for this article, for future Waystation Network Newsletters, and for use on our website or other promotional materials. 

Thank you in advance for helping me out with this:)

Have a great week!
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