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Sweet Dream In A Bag


December 2016

 Providing New Bedding, Caring

and Love to Children in Transition
A Sweet Dream Dad Shared:

"It's hard for me to be here--I wish I could provide these beautiful things for my kids---but because of your kindness and caring--  look how happy my children are!!  Thank you for giving me HOPE and giving my children such beautiful bedding that will keep them warm and bring them joy night after night!"



The November "Pack & Pray" had over 70 people helping to pack Sweet Dream Bags, cutting ribbon, packaging toothbrushes & toothpaste, packaging wooden cars, sewing "God Loves Me" tags on pillows.  We had Girl Scouts, Home School Group, AWANA Group, Arapahoe Key Club, Optimist Club , Kiwanis Club, members from several different Churches, a family from Colorado Springs and many people who have just heard about Sweet Dream and were willing to spend a Saturday morning packing so plenty of bags are ready for these precious children that Sweet Dream serves!  What a beautiful morning---thank you to each person -- it takes a lot of people to set up, to pack and to clean up.....It was an amazing, fun Saturday!  See you at the "Pack & Pray" January 21st!


Sweet Dream is busy getting warm, comfy bedding to the children that need to sleep cozy warm this winter season.  We have had so many wonderful Gifting Events and we have many, many more before Christmas....Please check the list of events  -- this is the season to give--why not give some of your precious time to these children, to have someone give them time and undivided attention is a real gifts to these wonderful children -- come volunteer to help the children choose their Sweet Dream Bag and to read  their precious book with them.  The volunteers are what make each gifting event so special -- it makes each child feel cared about, special and loved....keep checking the Event Calendar on the website:

www/ -- CLICK ON Event Calendar

A Dental Surgeon and his family has chosen to donate a Sweet Dream Bag to a child in the name of their affiliate's business they send 'holiday thank you gifts' each year.
 A total of 53 Sweet Dream Bags!!

Sharing Sweet Dream with others

Susie & Wayne make presentations to many different kinds of groups sharing about Sweet Dream several times a month.  If your club, school class, sports team, church group or business would like a Susie 303-507-2098 


Dec. 7, Wedneday, starts 6 pm

"Gifting Event”
Greeley Transitional House
Held at:  Greeley Recreation Center
651 10th Ave, Greeley, CO 80631
(Volunteer spaces are filled)
Dec. 9, Friday, start 12:30 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Dec. 10, Saturday, start 10 am to 1 pm

"Gifting Event”
VOA Veterans Services Center
1247 Santa Fe Drive
Denver, CO 80204
Dec. 12, Monday,  start 6 pm
"Gifting Event”
Native Americans/Alaskans
Colorado Springs
Place for event to be announced
Dec. 14, Wednesday,  start 3:00 pm
"Gifting Event”
4455 Jason St, Denver 80211

Dec. 15, Thursday,  start 6:30 pm
"Gifting Event”
Decatur Transitional Housing
1155 Decatur St., Denver  80204
Dec. 16, Friday,  start 4 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver  80219
NO “Pack & Pray” in December!

Jan. 6, Friday, start 4 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219

Jan, 13, Friday, start 4 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Jan. 20, 2017, Friday, starts 7 pm
"Gifting Event”
Denver Rescue Mission/Crossing
6100 Smith Road, Denver 80216
Jan. 21, 2017, Sat. Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)

Reminder:  There will be Treasure Time Gifting Events added as agencies set dates, check our website and look at the CALENDAR!
Please--- if you can help with any Event call Susie 303-507-2098 or email:
Updated: 12/03/2016

 "I'm so HAPPY with my princess bedding!"
We are grateful for each of you and wish you a Blessed Christmas!


Access Housing/Commerce City
Alternatives to Violence/Loveland
Angel House/Loveland
Champa House
Coalition for the Homeless /Ren. at Lowery
Coalition for the Homeless/ West End Flats
Coalition for the Homeless/Renaissance 88
Coalition for the Homeless/Ren. Blue Spruce
Coalition for the Homeless/ Stout Street Flats
Colo. House/Partners in Housing-Colo Springs
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
Denver County Human Resources
Denver Rescue Mission Star Tran. Housing
Family Tree Housing & Family Services
Family Tree Crisis Center
Father Ed Judy's House
Fostering Hope Foundation/Colo. Springs
Gabriel House/Aurora
Gabriel House/Denver
Gabriel House/St. Francis de Sales
Gateway Women's Shelter
Greeley Transitional Housing
Guadalupe Project
Hope Center Pre-School
Hope Communities/California Street
Hope Communities/Hidden Brook
Hope Communities/Thrill
House of Hope/Family Tree
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing I
I Am Academy
Irving Center Archdiocesan
Jefferson Co. Attorney/  Family Violence
Jefferson County Head Start
Jefferson County Human Resources
LaPuente House/Alamosa, CO
Mercy /Springfield Ct. Apt./Ft. Collins
Mercy/Holly Park Apartments
Mt. Loretto Family Housing
Native Americans/Alaskans/Colo.Springs
Open Door Ministries
Pasoda Family Shelter/Pueblo
Pasoda Rio Sacramento/Pueblo
Raritan Property Archdiocesan
Ruby Hill Residences
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
Streets Hope
STRIDE Transitional Housing
VOA Brandon House
VOA- Bright Stars Head Start
VOA DAV Families
VOA Family Housing Program
VOA Rainbow Head Start
VOA Young Mothers
Warren Village
Warren Village First Step

As you look at this list you will realize just how many  children need your help and caring to make their lives a little more cozy and give them something to call their own!

Plan a  Packing Party
Want to share Sweet Dream with friends and co-workers the excitement and fun?  Plan and Sponsor a Packing Party.  Sweet Dream does all the work to get prepared.  We bring all the needed items to pack, your group just needs to raise half the funds for the event and  provide the people to pack....we do the rest!   Susie would love to share how to do that and can come share about Sweet Dream with your group so everyone can get excited about this great opportunity!    Susie:303-507-2098
  • Toothbrushes
  • Ribbon at Costco & Sam's 50' (usually around the Christmas paper)
  • Fitted Crib Sheets (Ikea)
  • Navy Twin comforters (Walmart)
Copyright @Dec_2016Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129

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