December 2016 Newsletter

From Pastor Tim

Dear PVUMC Family,
The Advent and Christmas Season is upon us and it really is a season of hope.  I just wanted to share a few of my hopes this season.  I hope for peace and healing to take place in our world and in this nation.  I hope that each of us will do what we can to help make that happen. 

I hope for our church to continue to experience the growth and vitality that brings more and more people into the kingdom and will help transform this city for the glory of God.  I hope that our United Methodist denomination in the U.S. will experience the renewal and growth that we are seeing in many of the continents where Methodism is thriving.

I hope that this Christmas Eve will be so powerful, grace-filled, and impactful that everyone who experiences it through outreach and worship will never get over it. 

I hope that all of those who are grieving or mourning the loss of a loved one, whether recent or years ago, will find the comfort they need during the holiday season.  There is no doubt that holidays are a tough time for those dealing with a loss of any kind.  I hope that they will find the peace, joy, and love that Jesus brings. 

I hope that all those who are sick will find healing.  I hope that God’s healing will continue in my own body as I have the surgery to remove my thyroid. I have been encouraged in that hope by all of your prayers, cards, and support. You all have really been great and I know that the prayers will continue.

Finally, I hope that we all will be praying and listening for how God wants to direct us at PVUMC for our future.  I hope for God’s leading to help us know in what ways we need to change, grow, expand and love so that this church can be all it can be for the Kingdom. 

As I said before, this is the season of hope.  I hope we are already asking God how he can use us through our support, prayers, giving, and service and how we can bring that hope to this world. 
Thank you all for all you do and Merry Christmas,
Pastor Tim Reaves, Lead Pastor

Christmas Eve and Day Services

December 24th - Christmas Eve services
Noon - a traditional service with piano/organ and hymns in our Sanctuary
3 pm - a child-focused service (children are welcome at all services) with children's Christmas music in our Sanctuary
5 pm - a contemporary service with praise band and music in our CLC Gym
7:30 pm - a blend of styles with an acoustic band ensemble in our Sanctuary
11pm - a traditional service in our Sanctuary

All Christmas Eve services will have communion, lighting of candles, and singing Silent Night.

At 6 on December 24th, EVERYONE is invited to our Christmas Eve Outreach dinner in the Fellowship Hall.  Please review the insert from Sunday's bulletins for items that can help make this outreach ministry a success.

December 25th - Christmas Day service - ONE SERVICE ONLY at 10am and No Sunday School.  The service will be in the CLC Gym

Revival 2017

January 8-11
Mark your calendars for January 8-11 for a Revival!  We will feed you starting at 5:15 each night.  Services start at 6:30 each night and we will have our Children's Revival with Ms. Sherry for children up through fifth grade.
Currently scheduled:
Sunday night - Marty Cauley
Monday night - Dr. Laura Early
Tuesday night - Eckie Lancaster
Wednesday night - Eddie Hill and a healing service

We will have a nursery for two and under each night.  A donation for the meals is accepted but not required.  A love offering will be collected each night that will go to each visiting pastor for their ministries.


Live Nativity
Saturday December 3rd 2:00 - 3:00
Sunday, December 4th 5:00-6:00
Look for sign up sheets outside the Children's office in the CLC.
Children will dress in costumes and stand outside in the nativity to witness to everyone on Shipyard Blvd and those coming for the Adult Musical about the true meaning of Christmas.

Happy Birthday Jesus Party!  Sunday, December 18th 4:30-6:30 K-5th grade can be dropped off, Preschoolers are welcome with an adult
We will have birthday party games, experience the Christmas story, make an ornament, have pizza, eat birthday cup cakes and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

In December
3rd - MEW Circle breakfast with Santa 8-10am, Live Nativity 2-3 pm
4th - Live Nativity 5-6 pm
10th - Children's Christmas Musical - 3:00
11th - Children's Christmas Musical - 5:00, followed by the pancake supper
18th - Happy Birthday Jesus Party - 4:30-6:30
24th - Christmas Eve services - noon, 3 (the three p.m. service will be child-focused, children welcome at all services), 5, 7:30, 11pm
25th - Christmas Day service - ONE SERVICE ONLY AT 10am and No Sunday School

Youth Ministries

Christmas Party on the Winner Boat Cruise is Sunday, December 4th 1:30-4:30. There is still time to sign up and join us. Wear your Christmas sweater or Christmas attire. Pizza will be served.
We will not meet as an official group on Sunday, December 11th. Plan on attending the Children's Christmas Musical at 5pm with your family and stay for pancake dinner afterwards.
No breakout December 18 or 25.
Merry Christmas to all of the youth and their families of PVUMC.

United Methodist Women

As always UMW have been very busy completing missions for the 2016 year. Ogden by the Sea Circle under the tutelage of Cheryl Delk and the help of the congregation packed and delivered 318 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!! That is thirty more than last year!! It is a wonderful mission so that many children who may not get a Christmas gift received donated items from our church. It also teaches them about Jesus! Ogden Circle also sold pecans to offset the cost of some of the mailing cost. Thanks to all who contributed and helped facilitate this wonderful mission.
UMW Operation Christmas Child
Everyone is looking forward to Breakfast with Santa & Mrs. Claus on Saturday 12/3/16 at 8am-10am headed up by the Mary Ellen Whitfield Circle. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children up to age 11, infants free!
Book Review by Susie Lupton - A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Mind: Loving Your Body, Accepting Yourself, and Living Without Regret by Karen Scalf Linamen is a book about loving your body, accepting yourself, and living without regret. Karen emphasizes that small changes are the best way to modify any of the habits in our lives that we wish to change. Sometimes focusing on the big picture can feel too overwhelming. Small successes give us the confidence to go a little further. Karen reminds us that we are the gatekeepers of our beliefs. Women need to think uplifting, positive thoughts about ourselves and our lives and not forget to praise ourselves. “We can continue on the path we’ve been traveling, or we can strike off in an entirely new direction. The choice is yours.” Whether you would like to lose some weight or just make some changes in your life, I recommend this Nurturing for Community book for uplifting and humorous advice.

United Methodist Men

Breakfast meetings resume in January on the third Saturdays.  Breakfast at 7:30, meeting at 8:00, clean up and on your way at 9:00.

December 15, we will treat the PVUMC Staff to lunch at Elijahs at 12 noon.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Charles in the church office to make sure we have enough chairs set up.

Scouting Ministry

Troop 224, along with United Methodist Men, had a very successful BBQ Chicken Dinner fundraiser this year. Thank you to PVUMC for all your support!!!!
Troop 224’s Philmont Crew has a weekend camping trip planned for December 3-4th at Eno River State Park. The Eno River, located near Durham, NC, flows past mature forests, historic mill and home sites and river bluffs covered with flowering shrubs and across fords used by early settlers. The park offers nearly 30 miles of trails along a swift, shallow stream that’s popular with anglers, photographers and sightseers.
Scouts Eno 

December proves to be another busy month for Troop 224. As we are winding down for the year, many scouts are preparing for their rank advancements and Court of Honor meeting on December 12th.
Troop 224 will resume meetings in the Gym weekly on Monday nights 7:00pm starting January 9, 2017. Any boys ages 11-18 that wish to join the Troop are encouraged to visit during one of its meetings - no previous experience is required!

For further information about the Troop or Pack, you may contact the Scout Master, Jerry Jones at 794-9238 or the Committee Chair, Keith Ward at 791-6079.

My name is Nicholas Kingman. I am a member of PVUMC and a boy scout with Troop 224. I am raising money for my Eagle Scout Project which consists of building Monarch Butterfly gardens at Wade Park. These gardens will enhance the beautification of the park, but will also help the Monarch Butterflies, which are an endangered species, find food easier in the Wilmington area as they migrate north for the summer. The donations for this project will assist me in purchasing the necessary materials and plants needed to complete the gardens. This means a lot to me because I know that I am making a difference in the life of the Monarch Butterfly. Please click on the link below to help in the continued efforts towards saving the Monarch Butterfly. Thank you for your support.

Monarch butterfly

Music news

Almost There – 2016 Adult Christmas Musical will be presented on December 3rd at 3:00 and December 4th at 6:00 in the CLC gym.  Please come and invite your friends as we kick off the Christmas Season with this special musical presentation.  
Almost There Logo

All About That Baby - 2016 Children's Musical will be presented on December 10th at 3:00 and December 11th at 5:00 in the CLC gym.  Join us as over 90 children take the stage to bring us the message of Jesus in their own special way!  After the Sunday presentation, stick around for a pancake supper prepared by the staff of PVUMC as a "thank you" gift to the Congregation.

All About That Baby


Egganizers meets DECEMBER 19 in the Fellowship Hall kitchen to prepare egg salad for the Good Shepherd House. Donations of peeled hard-boiled eggs may be left in the refrigerator in the Fellowship Hall kitchen the Sunday prior. This is a deviation from the usual fourth Monday due to the Christmas holidays.

The Ever 49ers will hold their annual Christmas meal on December 13th at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  The McNeill's Christmas Puppets will present a very special program. The meal is catered  but please sign up on the Senior bulletin board to help determine the amount of food to prepare. This is a program you do not want to miss.

As we get closer to Christmas, we will have Poinsettia order sheets in the bulletins.  You can choose to order a potted Poinsettia or we will again offer virtual Poinsettias with that money going toward the Christmas Eve Outreach.

Stephen Ministry

For most of us Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most joyously celebrated holidays of the year. However, it can be a time when others are experiencing deep sadness due to a recent crisis in their life. Our Stephen Minister trainees are learning that a misconception some people have is that grief is somehow unchristian and caused by a lack of faith. Grief is a many-faceted process that can be overcome in time through faith, Christian friends and a strong trust in God. The following poem was recently shared with a group sharing grief experiences.
"Be with me, God,
While I watch for spring.
Be with me, God,
When the icy winds blow.
Be with me, God,
When I slip and fall.
Help me to endure the winter.
Help me to wait for spring.
Help me to give hope a chance.
Help me to live again."

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) tells us:
“But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”

Stephen Ministry wishes you a blessed Christmas with the hope that came down at Christmas.



A big Thank You to all who participated in this year's shoe box collection by donations of money, shoe box items, packing shoe boxes, or buying pecans!  These gift contributions all helped our numbers grow to 318 shoe boxes this year which will in turn bring the love and light of Jesus into the lives of the children who receive them.  THANK YOU!! - Ogden By The Sea Circle

Thank you for the loan of the red rollator [from the PVUMC Medical closet]. It will make my effort to get around my home safer and easier. - JD

A Note About Parking:  While we are striving towards having a parking team to help alleviate some of the congestion Sundays and at special events, please be mindful of the marked spaces around the Fellowship Hall.  Please do not park such that you block the travel lane.  Poor parking in areas that weren't marked parking spaces delayed a fire truck during a recent incident.    

On-going Prayer Requests

Linda Anthony, Doris Batson, Bill Berg, Bob Bigwood, Molly Bonney, Imogene Buckley, Huldah & John Claude, Clark Connell, Debbie Connolly, Jessica Edwards, Red Ennis, Billie Freshwater, Joan Fritz, David Herring, Chris Huffmon, Patsy Jones, Patsy Kimbrough, Dot Lewis, Marilyn Lung, Jim Lupton, Pattie Nelson, Arleta Oldfield, Ilene Probst, Mary Rabon, Bren Reisch, Peggy Setzler, Angela Smith, Emmy Smoker, Ginny Spencer, Doris Spivey, Pat Urion, Jacob Vuocolo, Betsy Watkins, Ron Williams, Marie Winkler

To add names to this list or the weekly prayer list in the bulletin, please contact Barry Stalling, Pastor of Congregation Care.


1 Tim Barker, Michelle Fisk, Sadie Powell, Eric Turnley
2 Carol Bordeaux, Cherie Bouras, Ronnie Burbank, Caitlin Morrison, Macy Morrison
3 George Hale, Lee Miller, Martina Price, Denise Verdinek
4 Andrew Anderson, Todd Klinedinst, Bill Williams
5 Olivia Bourgeois, Trinity Conville, Lily Smith, Kate Smith, Dennis Spaulding, Berry Stephens, Mark Wilson, Will Wingfield
6 Claire Broughton, Teresa Davis, Aleah Girardi
7 Julie Anderson, Harold Pyrtle, Merle Wolfgang
8 Karen Hoag
9 Walker Brown, Bradley Morrison
10 Ron Tacia
11 Kaylee Barnes, Beth Biddison, Preston Brooks, Mike Casto, Carol Floyd, Phillip Hale, Chris Rouse, Jonah Webb
12 Arthur Duckett, Theresa McIntyre, Clay Shields
13 Monice Blose, Bruce Patterson, Nikki Pierce, Angela Smith, Fran Wilcox, Jill Williams
14 Dwight Best, Deborah Blanton, Don Durham, John Tressler
15 Jana Clancey, Mariah Goodman, Virginia Hargreaves, Amanda Heitchue, Mary Ellen Simmons, Danielle Sphar
16 Billy Macpherson, Marley Merritt, Chris Pinckney, Jessica Whiteley
17 Clute Fann, Jackson Gill, Samantha Goble, Jill Sammons
18 Matt Fann, Ashton Lude, Keegan Lude, Bob Maxey, Marina Nielsen, Alex Payne
19 Donna Capozio, Hamp Haucke, Lori Saal, Patrick Violette
20 Logan Bolduc, Corey Hammac, Shirley McLeod, Beth Scott
21 Donna Blevins, Dal Burton, Ethan Hill, Greg Willett
23 Harley Foran, Jonathan Inman, David Kingman, Zach Miller-McLeod, Caleb Olsen
24 Trish Butler, Jerry Parchman, Megan Rudolf
26 Sonya Cauley, Nancy Coppedge, Ryan Faircloth, Vickie Hawley, Sylvia Hunt, Cody Mason, Linda Oxford, Jan Wilkerson
27 Luke Eason, Branton Jernigan, Ashley Milne, Bill Rabon
28 Beth Ann Hillman, Alaina Olsen, Margaret Whichard
29 Kathy Klinedinst, Beth Korzelius, Anna Magill, Zack Pendergrass, Linda Spangler
30 Kevin Brennan, Charles Chapman, David Ciamillo,Rachel-Marie Farmer, Rose Potter, Alena Reaves, Ed Turnley


1 Carolyn & David Kingman, Carol & David Pendergrass
3 Mary Ann & Ralph Kornegay
4 Jessica & Keith Lobbestael
5 Brenda & Bill Williams
7 Wanda & Mike Eason, Karen & Rick Hoag
10 Becky & John Buckley
11 Jean & James Godwin
12 Kathy & Ed Hill, Cathy & Lester Wilson
15 Joan & Stacy Shaw
17 Claire & Richard Broughton, Margie & James Vanscoy
20 Annie & David Ginyard
21 Jeri & Jeff Snelling, Andrea & Brad Walker
22 Carolyn & Larry Mabe, Lorre & Steve Meeker
24 BJ & Rick McKenzie
28 Isobel & Jim Charlton
29 Peggy & Ralph Setzler
30 Ann & Glenn Knepper, Julie Sisk-Moores & Mike Moores
31 Donna & Jeff Blevins, Kim & Charles Heck
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