First of all, we wholeheartedly congratulate Lucas Derks on his PhD Psychology at the Universidad Central de Nicaragua on the subject of Mental Space Psychology! We are all very proud he achieved this magnificent result. (to read his dissertation click here)
Lucas wrote a very interesting article which was published in the “Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy”, a leading magazine in the field of experiential psychology in Bucharest. We highly recommend this to our readers. Furthermore, our Romanian friends will find an article about the theory of mental space psychology in their own language as well. (to read the article click here)
Adrian Schweizer wrote an article about mental space, which was published in the last issue of the German magazine “Praxis Kommunikation”. Adrian Schweizer works as a lawyer, mediator and executive coach in Germany and Switserland, and we thank him for sharing this article with us. (to read the article click here)
Ruud van Langeveld wrote a blog called “Illusions” and how the brain is fooled: what you see is not always what you get!
The Society of Mental Space is growing steadily and we are therefore still looking for people who are interested in joining us. In our organigram you can see which vacancies still need to be fulfilled. If you are interested, please contact Robert Hemelaar.
We hope you all enjoy reading our newsletter. We are always looking for new content and kindly invite you to send us your information about activities, workshops and articles to share with our community.
We wish you all merry Christmas and a happy and spacious 2017!
The PR team,
Gert Arts,
Christine Beenhakker
Ruud van Langeveld