Volume 2 Issue 2                                                                                                              Fall 2016
Bi-annual newsletter presented by APR Group of Bowie State University's Dept. of Communications
Featured stories in this newsletter
As A Bowie Woman, I Am
Bowie State University’s Miss Sophomore (2016 – 2017) Taylor Hailstock came to the APR Group with an idea, to display the diversity of the female students at the university. A team worked with Hailstock to promote, coordinate and host an event called "Sip & Shoot". Twenty or more female students attended the event responding to the call to participate in a photo shoot to express themselves "As A Bowie Woman, I Am ___".  A photo collage of the students will be displayed on campus. Also, Hailstock posed questions related to women empowerment to a guest panel of BSU faculty and staff who hold diverse positions on campus. The panel engaged students in a fiery discussion about social norms, gender roles, and new ideas about what a Bowie woman should be. The panelists were April Johnson, Dean of Student Life; Rosetta Price, Asst. Director of Career Development Center; Trenita Johnson, Coordinator, Residence Life; Professor Barbara Smith, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Teaching and Learning and Professional Development; Asha Wagner, Department of Safety; LaVel Jones, Supervisor, Police Communications.
BSU PRSSA Networking Event
The Bowie State University PRSSA Networking Event served as a vibrant environment for building professional relationships. Professionals in attendance included: Tiara Bastfield of Georgetown University, Damita Chambers and Gregory Goings of Bowie State University, Larry Jones of Morgan State University, Alexandria Crenshaw of ISOM Global, Gabriela Duran and Ashley Simms of Fleishman Hillard, Antonice Jackson of BPRS and Audacious P&M, Rashidah McCoy of Kivvit, Milan Mobley of UManagement, LLC, Nikki Osei of Osei PR, and LaDonna Smith, Owner of the PG Valor. Each guest provided helpful information to students in attendance who are pursuing careers in public relations.  Takira Stokes, the team leader of the APR team (Krystn Washington, Chris Brice, Jamil Lee, Keiana Johnson, Kashawna Duncan and Keisha Jones) presented a gift to the professionals.
The New-Look APR Website
The APR Group has a new website layout designed by Keisha Jones, who served this semester as the Website Content Manager. She also works as a Content Strategist for the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C. The new layout can be described as crisp and user-friendly, featuring the new APR logo, student profiles, upcoming events, a listing of past and current clients, photos, and a contact information sheet for potential clients interested in APR Group services. 
Check it out:
Black Public Relations Society Washington, D.C Chapter
Martell Pegues, Keiana Johnson and Tamara Bethea assisted a new client (Black Public Relations Society, Washington, D.C. Chapter) in promotion of their #3rdThursdaysPR events. The students worked directly with the BPRS-DC chapter president Antonice Jackson to implement the projects which included a Political Cypher event, promoting the event on social media, creating press releases and media advisories for the event, updating BPRS-DC social media calendar, and managing their contact lists. The final project was a membership directory for the organization they created, which required working with the chapter’s Membership Director Brenda Powell In 2017, the APR Group will assist the Black Public Relations Society Washington, D.C. Chapter in promotion of their Ofield Dukes Awards Gala, scheduled to take place in May.
PR Pulse Editor: Martell Pegues
Pegues is a graduating senior at Bowie State University majoring in Sport Management with a concentration in Public Relations. Pegues has aspirations of creating a consulting firm for athletes to assisting them with marketing, accounting, management and finance. Pegues cites his writing skills as a strength and attention to detail as being an area to improve upon. 

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