December 2016 (#5)

Seeking First: 

An update from Mike, Marianne & Elias Botting   Like Botting Update - A Hop, Skip, and a Jump on Facebook

A Hop, Skip, and a Jump

We aim to send out a newsletter every two months...the last one was in August, so we effectively "hopped, skipped, and jumped" over October.

We had a good reason though! October was totally consumed with teaching at Bishop Lee college. Originally, Marianne hadn't planned to teach, as she's now at home with Elias. But the college was still without an English instructor, so she stepped in to help the Year 2 class finish their course. That meant that on the days Marianne was at the college, Mike was at home with Elias, and vice versa. It was a stretching month, but we are pleased that the Year 2 class graduated and were commissioned (pictured below right) by visiting retired Bishop Ogwal in a joyous ceremony (which included a mass wedding, pictured below left!) on November 13th.
Our newsletter isn't the only thing hop, skipping, and jumping! Elias is now 11 months old and has started taking his first steps, while holding onto things. He's also a pro at the jolly jumper!
Want to make an end of year gift? Click here

Late Nights, Lasting Impact

Pastor Donato from Faith Mission Church in Pader (pictured below left) is responsible for a number of branch churches in 2 districts, some as far as 70 km away. In addition, he is the overseer of the pastors for the Pentecostal Association of Churches in Pader and Agago districts.
But he has a problem. Evangelism efforts in the past have brought many people to Christ, but follow-up was a big problem.  When he asked us if we'd help him by going out to the villages to show the Jesus Film, we told him about the model for training church volunteers in follow-up and discipleship that we did a couple years ago. He replied, "That's exactly what we need! There's nobody trained in follow-up, so the pastors end up doing it all, which is not really possible."

Thus, the Jesus Film ministry was re-started! Church volunteers from 18 different communities were trained and sent out in September to train their fellow members - in order to be ready to build up new believers who come to faith when the Jesus Film is shown in their communities.
Film showings have now started! To date, the film has been shown in 4 of the 18 communities. The response has been very positive, with many people coming to Christ. Even more encouraging is that new believers are actually being followed up! Our prayer is that each and every one of these souls will be fertile soil for the seed and produce fruitful, joyful lives in Christ.
Totally worth the late nights...
We are Mike & Marianne Botting, serving with Emmanuel International in Northern Uganda. 
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our updates!


19 church volunteers were trained in follow-up and discipleship for Jesus Film outreach, who in turn each trained 12 others
CHE TOT1 in Lamwo West (near South Sudan border)
Mike taught CHE and Marianne taught English to Year 2 students at Bishop Lee College (busy busy!)
CHE TOT2 in Lamwo West
Elias learning to walk with a local "roller", borrowed from our carpenter friend

More Highlights

Took Elias to visit Amecet Children's home for the first time since he left
16 students graduated and were commissioned at Bishop Lee college
"Understanding True Love" club was formed at Archbishop Flynn Sec. School; course starts 2017
Back into full-swing for the Thursday radio program, after taking a break in Oct due to teaching load
Showing the Jesus Film in 2 more villages (12 more coming in the new year)
Will be among the guest speakers at a Youth Conference for our Diocese (11th-14th)

Prayer Corner

Protection over the Jesus Film ministry - our experience consistently has been lots of spiritual warfare surrounding this ministry
CHE TOT3 in Lamwo West from Dec 11th-16th
Fruit from the Youth Conference, where 1,000+ are expected to attend
For Bishop Lee College to find an English teacher
For the hiring process and God's choice for a person to lead the School Discipleship ministry 
Thanks for reading! For more frequent updates, visit
We'd love to hear from you!
PO Box 12, Kitgum Town Council, Uganda, AFRICA
(647) 797-4446 

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