stanford center on poverty and inequality

New CPI Research
Assessing California’s New State EITC

In 2015, California became one of 25 states to include a state EITC in its mix of social safety net programs. A new policy brief from the CPI examines whether this bold experiment is reducing poverty in California.
The Fading American Dream

The “American Dream” refers to the ideal that children should have a higher standard of living than their parents. How is the dream faring? A new report by CPI affiliates shows that children’s prospects of earning more than their parents have fallen from 90% to 50% over the past half century.

Administrative Data Pilot Grant Competition

The CPI and Third Sector Capital Partners invite local governments in California, Oregon, and Washington to apply for services under a Social Innovation Fund grant. The recipients will receive assistance with data linkage and program evaluation for projects relevant to economic opportunity.

America’s Poverty Course
Trends in U.S. Poverty

Russell Sage Foundation president Sheldon Danziger examines trends in poverty rates, labor force participation, and safety net policy in this five-minute video from our online course on poverty and inequality.

Talks and Events
Self-Regulation in Children and Their Caregivers

Stanford professor Jelena Obradovic examines the importance of self-regulation using a two-generation intervention designed to promote resilience in at-risk families.

Tuesday, December 13, CERAS 101 Learning Hall, 12pm
Should We Expect Returns on Our Social Investments?

Columbia University professor Peter Muennig considers whether we can expect health or monetary returns on investments in cash assistance, education, and transit policies.

Thursday, December 15, Li Ka Shing Center, Berg Hall A, 2pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Elfenworks Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).

Copyright © 2016 stanfordcpi, All rights reserved.

Capitol photo by Zhong Ping.

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