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Make the most of the season

If you're anything like me, you've got most of your Christmas shopping still to do. So over the last couple of weeks, we've published a couple of articles with some creative-themed gift ideas. If you want some inspiration, go and have a peek.

And, in the spirit of the season, I'm also offering you 40% off my Beyond the Brainstorm workshop, if you book before the end of the year (that's a saving of £2,000). It's a workshop for your organisation that shows you more effective group creativity techniques than the traditional brainstorm. You can find out more right here. And just reply to this email, if you're interested or want to know more.

We'll be taking time off between Christmas and New Year to recharge our creative batteries, spend some time with our families and consider what the year ahead holds. Then we'll be right back at you with lots more practical creative articles. Together we'll make 2017 your most creative year yet.

Try not to overindulge too much over the next couple of weeks (that's really a message to myself).

Tinsel and baubles,


Lists for Santa

Cards for Christmas

And these ones will give you the gift of ideas whenever you open them throughout the year. We're also thinking of creating our own deck. Maybe more about that in the new year.

Christmas brain stuffing

If you like to spend some of your holiday time with a good book, we've got some suggestions here. Some of these are from contributors. The rest are from other awesome people.
This week's film
This morning we posted an interview with the brilliant Matt Ballantine. We talked about the importance of doing things just for the hell of it. Go see.

Even more ass-kicking articles

Beware the TED talk

Regular contributor, Byron, talks about the difference between presentations and speeches. And that the desire to do a TEDesque talk might work against you.

Science shows brainstorms don't work

We released an article to coincide with an ad we ran in the Metro newspaper. It's a load of scientific reasons not to use brainstorms. Send it around your organisation!

 Act quickly to save 40%

The Beyond the Brainstorm workshop will revolutionise the way you come up with ideas in your organisation. But don't dilly dally, the £2000 saving only lasts until the end of December. And you're going to be out of action for a week of that time eating mince pies and watching old films. So run to your Finance Director and get him to sign this off quick!

Just hit 'reply' to tell us you're interested

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