Sunday, December 11, 2016
Third Sunday in Advent

8:30 Worship Traditional with Communion
9:30 Sunday School (Children and Adults)

10:30 Worship Traditional (Mother's Day Out Singing Special) 

This week, we commemorated 75 years of Pearl Harbor. Though many of us were not alive at the time, we certainly learned about it in school. We also learned about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Growing up in Hawai’i, I remembered not only learning about Pearl Harbor, but also visiting the USS Arizona Memorial as part of a school field trip, and also other times when my family would take other relatives who were visiting us. I also remembered my teachers, who were of Japanese descent, sharing their experiences of what took place in the aftermath, from US citizen to internment camp to life after. Caught in the crossfire of war, between their motherland of Japan and their new country, life was not only complicated but horrific. Isn’t that usually the juxtaposition and stories of war, casualty and innocence, oppression and liberation, prisoner and freedom, friend and enemy, love and hate, just-war and pacifist, war and peace, death and life. No one really wins when lives are lost and sacrificed. May we as Christians and as a Church do all that we can to prevent war and promote peace. May we take time during this Advent season to reflect and share the hope, peace, joy, and love that our Savior brings.

This past Sunday we enjoyed the Christmas cantata conducted by our very own Debby Vester and performed by our chancel choir. They really blessed everyone who were present with their amazing gifts and talents. Many thanks to Debby and the choir for their hard work and dedication!

This coming Sunday, our Mother’s Day Out children will join us at the 10:30 service and they will bless us with a few songs. Hope you will join us to welcome these young families to our worship service. Our message will come from Matthew 11:2-11.

Stay bundled up and see you Sunday!

Member Spotlight
December 9, 2016

Charlene Olbrich

Charlene Olbrich was born in Whitney, Texas (the nearest big town is Hillsboro.)  She was named after her dad, Charlie, and that’s why you pronounce her name CHARlene, rather than SHARlene.  Her dad was a band director and they moved to many different towns following his job.  She lived in Italy, Falfurrias, Rosenberg, Dayton (TX), Deleon, and back to Whitney.  Her father passed away and her mother remarried.  Her mom had three children, Charlene and twin sisters, and her dad had two children, a boy and a girl.  The blended family became very close-knit and Charlene adored her step-father.  The family calls her the strong one of the family, partly because she cared for her mother and father who lived across the street.

One day, her new dad got a job building the Alcoa plant and the family moved to Thorndale.  Charlene was a sophomore in high school, and she graduated a mere year later, after her junior year.  Little did Charlene know at that time that being a Thorndale ex would turn into such a big part of her life later on.  Today, Charlene spends a lot of her time working for the Thorndale exes association.  Every week, Charlene writes an article, most of the time including photos, about the exes for the Thorndale paper.  The column is titled “Keeping up with the Thorndale Exes.”  Every year, Charlene organizes events for the exes during homecoming week.  They send out 2500 invitations, and a couple of hundred exes come every year.  

Leroy Olbrich had already graduated from high school before Charlene arrived in Thorndale, but Charlene would see him working at the gas station.  Once when they passed by, her mama said about Leroy, “If I were younger, that’d be my boyfriend.”  Later, she was invited on a blind date, and some friends upset her terribly by telling her that Leroy was wild.  It was a case of mistaken identity, and the “wild” Leroy worked at the gas station too, but the date was with Leroy Olbrich.  A few years after Charlene graduated from high school, they married.  Charlene walked down the aisle carrying Leroy’s bible that they still read every day.

Charlene and Leroy have a son, Jeff, who lives in Pflugerville.  He got his BA, MA, and PhD from the University of Texas.  He teaches statistics at St. Edwards University.

Charlene and Leroy joined the church about 15 years ago when the Thorndale UMC closed down.  She remembers SR and Carolyn Moss met them at the door, and claimed them as member immediately.  They were even put in the church directory before they were members.  They had visited several other churches but found Taylor FUMC to be the most welcoming to them.  Both she and Leroy love going to church.  She loves our preacher and also loves to sit when it’s quiet and enjoy the stained glass windows.  Charlene has served for several years as chair of the Finance Committee.  Among her many talents, she is an organist and pinch hit for 9 months when we were without an organist, and Ellen Hannington played the piano.  She also filled in as secretary once when the church was looking for a secretary. 

Her favorite hymns are “How Great Thou Art” and “In the Garden,” because her mama loved it so much.

Charlene worked in the secretarial/financial administration of numerous schools, including Taylor High School.  She also worked for a landscape company that she really loved.  That company went from 27 employees to 500 employees in 3 years’ time.  “I enjoyed working,” says Charlene.

Her hidden talents include painting and she has won first place on two of her paintings.  She has numerous of her paintings decorating her house, including one of Leroy’s mother with the turkeys she raised.  Another of her paintings is framed with wood from Leroy’s mother’s old house and another with wood from the outhouse.  Charlene also has a huge talent for genealogy, and has 75 binders of information on her and Leroy’s families going back 30 generations and including 50,000 people.  She and Leroy walked numerous cemeteries scouring the tombstones for family connections.  The most famous family she has found are some close relatives of presidents, although none are direct ancestors.  She would love to travel to Ireland to see the homeland of her ancestors and to visit the cemeteries there. 

Charlene is an amazing woman, and an incredibly hard worker.  In fact, I am so worn out thinking about all she accomplishes, I think I need to lie down for a little bit.  Give her your appreciation when you see her!

Written by Robin McKinley
Salvation Army Red Kettle
Walmart, Taylor, Texas

8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Volunteer to ring the bell this Christmas season for an hour.
Please respond to this email if you are able to help. Or call Shirley or the pastor. 
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Times Still Needing Coverage
3 - 4 P.M.
4 - 5 P.M.
6 - 7 P.M.

30 Reasons you should help:
1. It's Fun.
2. It's a way out from doing your Saturday chores.
3. It's only for an hour. 
4. It's a great way to meet people.
5. It's a great way to help people. 
6. You need a reason to get out of the house.
7. You can also invite people to church. 
8. People will think you work for the Salvation Army.
9. People will think you work for Wal-Mart.
10. People will think you are the one who needs help. 
11. People will try to avoid you.
12. People will look at you all weird.
13. You can tell others you volunteered to help a major organization with a massive fundraise project over the holidays.
14. You can practice your dancing moves.
15. You can practice your singing moves.
16. You can practice bell ringing and join the chime choir.
17. You can practice being a salesperson. 
18. You always wanted to be a salesperson.
19. You'll gain a greater appreciation for salespeople. 
20. You can feel like you've accomplished something great.
21. It's a great way to meet your neighbors.
22. You can watch people, what they wear, how they look like, what they buy, how they behave -- when they see you! 
23. You don't want only the old people doing it and get all the credit. 
24. You want to step up your game a little and give an hour.
25. You need to practice being courageous.
26. You always wanted to ring the bells. 
27. It's Evangelism.
28. It's Missional.
29. You don't want me to give your more reasons.
30. You don't want your pastor filling in all those hours by herself. 
It's time to order your Poinsettias 

The cooler weather is a good indication that winter will be here soon and Christmas season will be here before we know it. Again, this year you can purchase a beautiful poinsettia ordered from Down Home Ranch. By ordering a poinsettia, you help to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. You may also indicate if your plant is in Honor of or In Memory of a loved one. 

You may take your poinsettia home after the Christmas Eve service or leave it at the church. 

Poinsettias is $15 each. 
Please include your payment with the order form and return to the office or place in the offering plate. 

Deadline is December 12th. 
In Honor Of

Our Family given by Mike, Leslie & Kirk Moss

Our Family given by Debi & Glynn Tucker

In Loving Memory Of

Edward A. Ryan given by Vesta Ryan

Family & Friends given by Merton & Vada Rose

Crawford Daniel given by Gayle Daniel

Cheryl McAlister given by Ginny & Don McAlister

Russell & Phyllis Neiswander given by Jaci & Bob Walker

Guy & Ruby Walker given by Jaci & Bob Walker

Ruth Latham given by Geneva Cochran

Lester & Mary Alyce Stiles given by Stiles Family

Joseph Noble Atkins given by Debi & Glynn Tucker 

Our Family, given by Mike, Leslie, Kirk Moss
Don Hughes
Charlotte Underwood
Steven Lee
Florence Finn
Carolyn Briggs
Melissa Hill
Charles Chenault
Vera Schwartz
Jamie Avery
Mary Pearl Sutton
Jamison Family
Elissa Ray
Daniel Family
Suzie Barber              
Carol Bullion
Alfred Urbanek
Jerry Davenport
Reid Williamson & Family
Harry Richardson Family  
Jack Winterrowd Family
Terry Dyer and Family  Homebound
Fred Switzer
Florence Finn 
Edna Cowan
Paula Douglass 
Corene Dodson
Millie Whittington
Betty Ashworth 
Sarah Schwartz
*Names will remain on the Prayer List for 6 weeks unless requested otherwise. 
The community food pantry of Taylor is running low and is in need of canned goods. Please bring them to church on Sunday or during the week. We will collect your donations and deliver them at the end of the month. 

Thank you everyone for your generous giving! 

We are studying Advent.

Children’s Sunday School classes include Nursery (ages 0-2), Preschool (ages 3-5), Elementary (ages K-5th), Middle School and High School. 

Children’s Church is during the 10:30 a.m. service. 


This is our last week of MDO for 2016! We will be celebrating Jesus' Birthday this week and reviewing the things we have learned this year so far.

Our Bible story is Luke 2:1-7.

December 15th Birthday Party for Jesus & Book Exchange 2:15 p.m. 

We hope everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

We are growing and we want you to come grow with us. We meet in the Youth Room each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and we are in the process of holding weekly gatherings. 

We are currently seeking a Director of Youth Ministry. If you're interested or know someone who may be interested, please visit our webpage for a job description and requirements. Thank you
Sunday School Class Lessons 

The Mighty Mini Methodists (3-4yr.) – Fruit of the Spirit
Elementary & Youth Groups – Fruit of the Spirit
The Builders (Adults with Rev. Bob Walker) –The Journey, Walking the Road to Bethlehem
The New Horizons (Adults with Lisa & Mitch Drummond) - The Wired Word
New Adult Class (Rev. Sela Finau, substitute) –
Do you feel called to lead an Adult Sunday School class? If so, contact Pastor Finau. 

Weekday Lessons
Monday, 9:15 a.m. Meets in the Fellowship Hall. Currently discovering the Book of Acts. 
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Meets in various homes and church. This group will reconvene after the first of the year.
Christmas Cantata
A special and huge thank you to Debby Vester for her leadership with the Christmas cantata. The choir sounded amazing, and the narration, the costumes, the voices, and everything was beautifully done. Thank you so much for blessing us. 

Ladies Christmas Party
For all the ladies who were able to attend this year's Christmas party, thank you for your participation and presence. Everyone had a great time.The gift exchange was a lot of fun! Thank you so much to Linda Clevenger and the ladies who helped to organize the event. I can't wait for next year's Christmas party! I already have ideas for a gift. 

Christmas Float
Although mother nature led us to cancel our float participation and eventually the Taylor Parade, we are ready for next year. Many thanks to Frieda Isbell for sharing her gifts and talents with us. We are so blessed to have Frieda a member of our church family. Thank you Frieda for your dedication and hard work. Thank you to everyone who helped.

If you didn't think angels can be made, think again. Or better yet, come out to the front church lawn and just see for yourself. The 3 beautiful angels is not only an appropriate attraction in our neighborhood, but very representing of who we are as a church -- the many living, breathing, working, and giving human angels of God. During this holy season, consider being an angel to someone in need. Thank you Mike and Frieda for creating the huge and spectacular angels for everyone to enjoy.

Financial Peace University
A very special thank you to Mitch Drummond for his commitment and leadership in hosting and teaching the Financial Peace University to members from our community. I sat in this past Tuesday evening since it was their last class (not to mention they also had pizza), and did I time it right or what. The Financial Peace University guru Dave Ramsey talked about the importance of tithe and offering to our local church. Most of the things he said I already knew but I needed a reminder, and perhaps you do too. But one of the things that Ramsey talked about was on the concept of holding on to money. The more tightly we hold on to money the more fear we gain. The myth that we will gain wealth is just not true. Even if we were to gain wealth, we will not have financial peace. If we hold money with an open hand it allows more to come in and leave out, while at the same time give us financial peace. Giving turns us into more of a servant and we'll stand a better chance of prosperity, happiness, and good stewardship of God's blessings.

By the way, did you know that we're Asset Managers for the Lord? God has entrusted us with the money we have. We are not the owners. The question for us is, how are we using it? As a church, we are called to take care of the orphans, widows, single parents, and families and individuals in need without judgment. And when we give, may we not hold any motives or expectation of returns. 

Tithe is our first fruits or 10% of our gross income. Anything over 10% is our offering.  

Canned Food Drive
Many thanks to everyone who have been contributing to our canned food drive. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

Anonymous Donations
Thank you so much for the anonymous donations to help those in need. I am truly grateful for your generosity and humility and sharing your blessing with others.. 

Keep Our Earth Clean 
We need volunteers to take our recycles to the Recycling Center here in Taylor. It will only require being taken one or two times each month. Please call the church office to sign up for your month. 

Birthday Party for Jesus

December 11 at 9:30 a.m, during Sunday school, the children will be making cards for our homebound church members and grandparents! We will enjoy refreshments during the party as well. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Drummond. Sponsored by Circle One

Christmas Caroling 
Sunday, December 18, 2016
2 - 4:30 p.m.

Join us for a fun and meaningful afternoon as we spread the Good News of the Christ child by caroling to our members and friends who are homebound. 

 To date, $14,000+ in pledges are outstanding. If you pledged your giving for 2016, you still have a few weeks to finish your commitment from the 2016 Stewardship Campaign. All tax-deductible contributions for 2016 will be accepted until December 31st

If you are unsure of how much remains of your 2016 giving pledge, or where your giving stands, please contact Joanne in the church office Mon-Thurs, 9am-3pm and she would be happy to provide that information to you privately.

If you did not pledge, please consider giving to your church for 2016. 

December 4, 2016

Worship Attendance: 96  | Sunday School: 26

12/11 Marsha/Shelli
12/18 Don/Brian

Finance to Date
2016 Budget $166,818
Income: $138,676
Expenses: $141,541

Wayside Chapel
Wayside Chapel is open to the public during the week, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Need to spend time alone in prayer and in church, come to the chapel. 

Saturday, 12/10 Salvation Army Bell Ringing Walmart 8am-8pm South Door
Sunday, 12/11 MDO Sings at 10:30am Worship
Monday, 12/12 Committee Meetings (Finance, Ad Council & Trustees)
Sunday, 12/18 Children/Youth sings at 10:30am Worship Service
  Fellowship Luncheon followed by Caroling
Wednesday, 12/21 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 7:00am
Thursday, 12/22 Church Office Closed
Saturday, 12/24 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Sunday,  12/25. 10:30 a.m. One Worship Service Christmas Day
Monday, 12/26 Church Office Closed
Dec. 31 Shepherd’s Heart Food Pantry Work Day

Stay connected with your church via text message. Just follow the instructions above. 
Christmas Cantata
 Angels created by Frieda Isbell.
Ladies Christmas Party
Mother's Day Out Christmas Program
Thank you Lisa Drummond for this box of Safety Pins.
Wayside Chapel

Special Announcement

Cuz I Matter Animal Rescue ( is looking for someone as soon as possible to live on a property recently purchased. This person is asked to care for dogs in exchange for rent and utilities. Property is located on 1660 in route to Taylor. If interested, please contact the Director, Kerri Bonacci at

Sunday Announcement
If you have announcements for Sunday morning, please let the pastor know ahead of time if possible. If the announcement is relevant to the majority of the congregation and pertinent to visitors, by all means share your exciting news or mission highlight. Otherwise, it may be best to share the information via other platforms such as this newsletter. If you'd like your news shared here, please send them to the office:

Thank you for your consideration. 
To view more photos, please visit our Facebook page.

For Pastoral Emergencies after hours,
contact Rev. Sela Finau
817-874-3533 | 

First United Methodist Church
907 West Lake Drive
Taylor, Texas 76574
512-352-2593 | 
Copyright © 2016 First United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.

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