A weekly newsletter from the desk of Todd Coopee
December 9, 2016
Here are a few highlights from the blog this week:
Zippity Speedway from Kenner (1968)

Perhaps foretelling of an eco-friendly future, Kenner released the Zippity Speedway in 1968. The game's toy cars were propelled by air!
The Friday Five: Dane Christianson
Dane Christianson's X-Cube is a twistable 3D puzzle that adds 32 additional pieces and four extra layers to the original Rubik's Cube. Here, Dane talks with us about crowdfunding, preconceptions about ability, and why 3D puzzles continue to capture our interests.

Toy Tales Weekly: The Powerpuff Girls Edition

Fun facts about The Powerpuff Girls and 7 other things I wanted to share this week.

  1. Buttercup went by a different name during the development of the Powerpuff Girls. This and 14 other fun facts.
  2. Thanks to La-La Land Records, we can now listen to the music of Star Trek across all its incarnations.
  3. Here's a tape of Burt Ward's hilarious 1965 audition for Batman.
  4. A glimpse at the often overlooked and underappreciated side art of vintage lunchboxes.
  5. The perfect weekend project: Bandai America is offering new, highly-detailed Star Wars snap-kits.
  6. Three toy industry leaders will be inducted into the Toy Industry Association Hall of Fame in February 2017.
  7. Check out this time-lapse video and detailed look at the new mural in Cincinnati honouring Kenner Products.
  8. Years of neglect may mean some video games are in danger of disappearing forever.
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