Friend, we can only do this with your supprt!
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Dear Friend, 
You Can Help a Person with a Developmental Disability To Live with Dignity, Acceptance, Fulfillment and Independence

Debbie has received support from Greater Opportunities for over 35 years!
Debbie first enrolled in our semi-independent living training program where she learned how to cook, clean her home, manage her funds, and control her emotions. She continues to receive individualized support from Greater Opportunities through our Day Program and our Supported Living Program.

Today, she lives in her own apartment along with her cat, has a boyfriend, and works as a crew member at BJs Brewhouse Restaurant with other Greater Opportunities consumers.
Because of gifts from generous people like you, we have been able to help make the hopes and dreams of people like Debbie a reality.

Your contribution will enable Greater Opportunities to create their unique pathway to success. Make a significant gift of opportunity - $50, $100, or more - whatever you can afford to share during this holiday season.
Donate Now!
Thank you so much for your caring and generosity. Our consumers and those who care for them appreciate your support!

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
408-248-4464 x23
Copyright © 2016 Greater Opportunities, All rights reserved.

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