Come Visit Us Before Our Move!
As the year comes to a close we’d like to take the time to inform you of the upcoming plans for the new year. On December 30 our museum will be closing, so make sure you come visit us! This is not to say that things are ending, but rather just beginning. Come 2017, the Columbus Historical Society will be moving! Our move is being made in conjunction with COSI’s new partnership with the American Museum of Natural History which will utilize the existing Columbus Historical Society space as part of a plan to bring two new exhibition areas to COSI; an American Museum of Natural History Dinosaur Gallery and a museum Exhibition Gallery. With a new year comes a new space, and new exciting programs. We aim to focus on more programs, and are excited to tell you more about them come early 2017.
In the practice of moving forward the Columbus Historical Society will have a new space for our exhibit. Details of our new location will be in upcoming newsletters. To stay up to date with our move and other changes we encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter.
“The Columbus Historical Society is always looking for new ways to improve our programs and exhibits," Jeff Lafever, Executive Director, said. "This move is the first step in our ongoing process of improvement.”
We look forward to sharing more with you about our move and new programs.