Monthly e-news from the World Ocean Observatory
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Dear Citizen of the Ocean,

2016 has been quite a year for the ocean. New marine protected areas (MPAs) being established around the globe; more private citizen and foundation funds than ever before dedicated to ocean conservation; more collaboration between countries and governments to curb over-fishing and to combat illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing; state- and country-wide bans on single use plastic bags; steps to reduce carbon emissions; legislation to protect the Arctic; and so much more.
Support W2O: A Year for the Ocean | 2016
The flip side of all this positive news for the ocean is that we know that gains can be taken away, efforts hampered, and progress slowed. Despite the optimism we feel for the health of the ocean, there is so much more to be done in 2017 and beyond. The work of the World Ocean Observatory in the coming year will be to continue as a steadfast provider of educational content; to work toward increased ocean literacy among students around the world; and to bring more citizens of the ocean into the fold in defense of the ocean and its essential contribution to the future of human survival.

Once per year we ask for your financial support. We ask for you to acknowledge the value of our work, its range of content, its communications successes, and it larger contribution as an informed, relentless advocate for the sustainable ocean worldwide. We ask for you to consider making a contribution today!  
Support the World Ocean Observatory

Produced 50 original audio broadcasts on World Ocean Radio (and subsequent blog posts on Huffington Post Green blog,, and World Ocean Weekly.) Four of these broadcasts are chosen each year for translation into Portuguese, French, Swahili, Spanish, and Mandarin. This year we chose "War and Water", "A Matter of Scale", "Law of Mother Earth", and "Chemical Ocean" for global translation and broadcast.

Began a new partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s Ocean Portal to profile conservation actions and innovations to reduce our impacts on the planet. The World Ocean Radio Earth Optimism Series will run through April 21, 2017 when the Earth Optimism Summit takes place in Washington, D.C.
World Ocean Radio | Earth Optimism Series

Created a platform, budget, and development plan for World Ocean Aquarium, an immersive, interactive gaming platform designed to promote ocean literacy amongst students ages 10 - 18 worldwide. We are now at work on a major grant proposal which will allow us to develop this computer gaming software which will simulate a physical aquarium--showcasing species and habitat in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres--and offer student users a variety of goals-based activities such as operating a manned submersible in a variety of ocean locales around the globe, collecting  water samples and marine species, taking soil samples, visiting an oil spill or a plastic gyre, visiting hydro-thermal vents, seamounts, polar regions, and more. Engagement by users and learning outcomes will be built around the ocean literacy curriculum and the Next Gen Science Standards. Learn more at
World Ocean Aquarium

Attended a number of conferences and educational presentations: broadcast from the Our Ocean Conference in Washington, D.C. hosted by the State Department; spoke at the International Aquarium Congress in Vancouver, B.C.; displayed at the Ocean Literacy Summit in Portland, Maine; attended the Arctic Circle Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland; spoke at the Under Western Skies Water Conference in Calgary, Alberta; attended the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences in Washington, D.C.; presented at the Climate Change Institute in Orono, Maine; spoke at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York; attended the Arctic Forum in Greenland; spoke at the Waterfront Alliance Conference in New York City; presented at the Center for Biological Diversity in Portland, Oregon; and spoke at  PIELC (the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference) hosted by the University of Oregon Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center in Eugene, Oregon.World Ocean Aquarium

Released Peter Neill’s newest book, THE ONCE AND FUTURE OCEAN: Notes Toward a New Hydraulic Society, on Earth Day, April 22nd. Peter read from the book at many libraries, book stores, and lecture halls this season, and had numerous radio interviews to promote the book. Sales have been brisk and have exceeded our expectations. We will continue to promote the book and its message of sustainability and the importance of understanding the ocean and the cycles of water as a new paradigm for living in the 21st century.

Are near to publishing Volume 3 of World Ocean Journal, a digital publication that is shared with all our visitors and audience. This year’s theme: WATER IS LIFE. Stay tuned: Volume 3 will be published later this month.
World Ocean Journal | Water is Life

Provided educational services and ocean information to over 1.25 million unique via and to millions more through our network of partners and social media.
World Ocean Observatory


World Ocean Observatory is a trusted and formidable voice for the ocean to a global audience, connecting millions of fellow advocates through information and educational services about the ocean and its contributions to our health, our well-being, and our very survival.

In 2017 we plan to do this and more, with your help. Thank you for considering a year-end gift.

Best wishes for the holiday season and the new year ahead,
The World Ocean Observatory Team

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Copyright © 2016 World Ocean Observatory, All rights reserved.

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