9th December 2016
Ayubuvan (Sinhalese)

What a week it has been with four eventful days at Supreme Court - like MM except on steroids!   This case wasn't really about stopping Brexit, but that given it took parliament to 'join the EU club', it should not be just Theresa May using prerogative powers taking us out; exit too must only be possible with parliamentary approval.  However, with interventions by the Scottish, Welsh and NI governments, maybe, just maybe, Brexit too is halted, if particularly as the NI lawyer asserted, UK leaving the EU could only be with devolved parliaments also approving such a move. I am nothing if not positive!

Amongst the very serious discussions on constitutional law were memorable comments, including the point the good side was making was 'elementary - even a child of 6 could understand this'; the government's argument on using prerogative powers would reduce the status of the 1972 European Communities Act (that which led to our accession into the EEC, now EU) below the the Dangerous Dogs Act (as to scrap this would require parliamentary approval is uncontested by the government); and even a reference to the Loch Ness monster.  The FT covers the hearing better than I ever could though.

Frankly, this is a case which wouldn't have happened if TM was not so litigious, and shouldn't have happened if the government had just prepared for a leave vote. That with the lawyers they have on hand the Referendum Act 2015 has been left open to interpretation makes me wonder whether the lawyers messed up or whether Cameron & Co. deliberately left it vague.  What I am grateful for however, is the opportunity we in the UK have to take even our own government to court, and ability to rely on judges to do what's right, where our elected officials do not.

For those who want to watch the hearing or read the transcripts, these are available from Supreme Court's website. The last 20 minutes or so of the final morning's webcast take us to the submission by Manjit Gill QC, who is also the lead lawyer on #MMcase. 

#MMcase will not have its judgment handed down next week either. So it's now maybe 21st December, else 2017.  It is quite frustrating as cases heard later than MM, including ones as late as October and November this year, are having judgments handed down next week.  However, while I think the case is actually quite simple - it's obvious separating families isn't okay - the law is nothing if not ridden with complexities, especially when there's a smidgeon of politics thrown in.


Why Brexit?
I am coming across more and more Brexiteers, and given they comprise about half the voting population I truly want to try and understand why.  Please see Why Brexit?
and post in the comments.

Spare 3 minutes?
Watch this ad please.  I promise you'll love it. I was probably having a weak moment last night, but with so much vitriol in the world, this ad had me tears-pouring-down-cheek crying.  All of you reading this are likely to comprise of families with an international'll understand. 

Associate membership of the EU
Some positive news - potentially.  There has been talk of an Associate membership of the EU for those British citizens who want to retain some EU rights.  

This will be a paid for membership, details yet unknown.
  More on this in a note from Charles Goerens MEP, the brainchild behind this.


I recently watched 'The African Doctor' - charming movie (based on a true story) of  what it's like for migrants to be immersed in a new environment, and indeed, some insight into how it is for 'locals' too. 

This brought back memories of my own move halfway across the world, and no doubt will bring up elements you too can identify with.  More than anything, it highlights that beneath the apparent differences of our appearance, accents and colours of passports, we are all actually pretty much the same.

On the back of the awful Casey review, this movie is a reminder integration is a two way street.


Rhys and Natacha - Having been welcomed in Canada, British citizen Rhys is now keen to return home, to be near his family, after over four years abroad.  However, he cannot return without his partner, Natacha, who the UK do not want to let in.


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