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Budapest Water Summit: Water connects

“Action on water is an absolute and ethical imperative…Acting now is a matter of human dignity, justice, and survival. Waiting to act is no longer an option.” This was one of the strong messages of the Budapest Water Summit 2016, which took place 28-30 November in Budapest, Hungary. GWP global and GWP Central and Eastern Europe joined forces to represent the network at the event. Read more >>

December 2016

GWP Venezuela helps citizens check water 

The water situation in Venezuela remains critical, both in quality and quantity. In a recent national television interview, Yazenia Frontado, Chair of GWP Venezuela and Vice Chair of GWP South America, spoke about GWP Venezuela’s work to reverse the situation. Read more >>


GWP steering committee and donors engage

GWP’s Financing Partners Group and Steering Committee met in December to consider a range of issues facing the GWP network. One of the highlights was a joint session with both entities which addressed the issue of water diplomacy. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Making collaboration work (International Water Power & Dam Construction)
City-based economist to get award (The Tribune)
More news >>

Up-coming events
19-23 March Arab Water Week 2017, Dead Sea, Jordan

More events >>

AfriAlliance Launch Conference. Deadline 9 January.
Stockholm World Water Week. Deadline 22 January.

More calls >> 

New appointments
Winston Yu, new member of GWP Technical Committee

Vacancies at GWP
Regional Coordinator GWP Southeast Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Deadline 27 December.

Project Manager, GWP Central and Eastern Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia. Deadline 5 January.

More on vacancies & internships >>

New resources
Perspectives paper: Linking ecosystem services and water security

Drought management policies – from global collaboration to national action (Water Policy, IWA Publishing)

Water & faiths: Faith based organizations contribute to water SDGs

Video: Integrating water security & climate resilience into development planning processes in Ghana 

More resources >>

Empowered women and food security in Jharkhand

New case study: Jharkhand is a new state in India, established in 2000 to support the rights of indigenous people. Jharkhand is home to many of the country’s poorest people, despite being located in one of the richest areas in terms of natural resources. Swadhina – an organization working for the rights of grassroots women – identified the main land and water governance problems and worked to resolve them. Read more >>

Training on disaster risk reduction in Zimbabwe

Recent floods and droughts in the Southern African region have been connected to climate change and it is now a consensus that communities need to learn how to cope with water-related disasters. A Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Building Training was held in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, on 21-25 November. Read more >>


IDMP project gives extra time to women in Niger

The Project Manager of the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), along with the Permanent Secretary and Communicator of GWP Niger, made a field visit on 22 November to the rural municipality of Torodi. A pilot project in the area focuses on the development of irrigated crops for the benefit of the women of the village of Kankantouti. Read more >>

Video: GWP brings water to UN climate talks

GWP delegates participated in the UN climate conference COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco, in November. Even though water is not central to the negotiations, it is getting increasing attention by the UNFCCC and other stakeholders. In this video, GWP delegates share their thoughts. Read more >>

How to write an IRWM teaching manual

New blog: It takes a lot of coffee, innumerable flip charts, face to face meetings, long hours of concentration, textual analysis, and sharing experiences. Two GWP interns share their experience of the workshop that finalized GWP’s IWRM ToolBox Teaching Manual. Read more >>

More from the GWP blog:

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PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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