From the CE
As 2016 draws to a close, we reflect on the year that has been and look forward to what 2017 will bring. Staff and Trustees have been working recently on reviewing our stratgeic direction and we look forward to introducing a few changes to the way we do things in 2017.
This year the Trust has once again been involved in funding a huge variety of projects and activities. We were delighted to end the year on a positive note, supporting a further 67 organisations in our November funding round with over $1.7 million in donations approved.
Trustees and staff are each year humbled by the enormous amount of volunteer effort that goes into making the region function; it is extremely rewarding to be able to assist groups by providing funding to realise ambitions for their local communities. Trustees and staff had the privilege of travelling to Oamaru for our Board meeting in late October and it was wonderful to see the variety of projects completed and underway in the North Otago region. Highlights included a visit to the Friendly Bay, the Moeraki Marae, the Puketeraki Church and the ginger crunch at the Palmerston afternoon tea.
Please note that our office will be closed from the 21st of December to the 16th of January, and our first Board meeting of the New Year will be in late February. If you plan to apply on-line to have a donation application considered by the Trustees early next year, it is important that you register before the office closes for the year. Please visit the Otago Community Trust website to apply online.
On behalf of the staff and Trustees, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and enjoyable New Year. We look forward to being a part of your 2017 aspirations for your communities. Please feel free to pass our newsletter on to others in your organisation.
Barbara Bridger, CE
Photos from our recent North Otago visits
Our Recent Donation Rounds
A total of $1.7 million was donated to 67 community organisations across Otago in November.
Our November Media Release - Trust provides $1.7M pre-Christmas boost to community groups
Our October Media Release - Recreational Turf Trust granted $95k
We would like to remind all Otago community groups that no matter what size donation you are seeking (big or small), the team at the Otago Community Trust are always happy to help. A full summary of recent donation recipients can always be found on the Otago Community Trust website.

2017 Application Timetable
The Otago Community Trust wishes to remind all applicants that the Trust does not meet to approve donations in December or January. Our next Board meeting is on the 21st of February 2017. Online applications received up to the last day in December will be considered at the February Board meeting. If you have not completed an online application before you need to register first. To apply in December you need to complete the registration process by next Tuesday 20th December. The Trust will not be processing any registrations after this date until the 16th of January. Applications received in January will be considered at the March Board meeting.
The indicative timetable for the first half of 2017 is outlined below. The Trust usually takes at least two months to process an application and may not consider applications that need to be confirmed before this time. If you have a community project and or event to be held in 2017 and would like to discuss it further with the Trust, please contact either Sue or Carol on 0800 10 12 40 or Email:
Learning and Development
Below is a snapshot of a number of learning and development programmes, new blogs and funds that maybe of interest.
Not for Profit Mentoring Opportunity
The Otago Southland Employers' Association (OSEA) and the Otago Community Trust are pleased to announce that a new capability fund will be established in 2017 to support Not for Profit organisations in Otago access the benefits of the Community Mentors programme.
The Community Mentors programme is designed specifically for community organisations, not for profits, social enterprises and both registered and un-registered charities. The aim of the programme is to strengthen knowledge of sound business practices at a management and Board level. Community Mentors are experienced, successful New Zealand business people who know what it feels like to either govern, manage or operate a not for profit or social enterprise. They also have extensive commercial business experience which will also add value to any not for profit or charitable organisation.
To learn more visit the website – click here or contact John Rigby, Operations / Business Development Manager at OSEA to register your interest for 2017, via email at
Otago Science Into Action
Got a research idea you want help getting off the ground? The Participatory Science Platform – Otago Pilot has funding, support and expertise available to help you answer your research question, big or small. Otago Science Into Action has funding available to support participatory science projects that are:
- Community-driven: The research must be relevant to, and resonate with, the community.
- Connected with scientists: Involve active participation of communities in the scientific process, making the most of their local knowledge and generating new scientific &/or technological insights.
- Educational: Offer real learning outcomes to students and young people involved, and two-way learning between the wider community and the science partners.
National Rural Health Conference 2017 - Scholarships
The Otago Community Trust is delighted to confirm that it will be supporting up to ten people from rural Otago to attend the 2017 National Rural Health Conference in Wellington (March 30 - April 2) with a scholarship fund of $10,000. The scholarship will be $1,000 per person to be used towards the registration fee, flights and / or accomodation. The people applying should be nurses, midwives, allied health workers, practice managers, senior administration staff from rural hospitals and rural GP practices.
If you are interested in registering for the conference, Otago Community Trust scholarship application forms are available via the link below. Otago Community Trust scholarship application forms must be submitted to to Charlotte Sloane, Conference Innovators, PO Box 7191, Sydenham, Christchurch or by email to Applications will be reviewed on a first in, first served basis, no later than Wednesday 22 February, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified in writing or by email, no later than 5pm, Friday 24 February 2017.
If you have any questions about the Otago Community Trust scholarship opportunity you can contact Charlotte on 03 974 1165 to discuss or email:
Our Otago Success Stories
Below are a handful of projects that the Otago Community Trust has recently supported.
Pacific Island Scholarship Students
The Otago Community Trust was pleased to be able to present Otago Polytechnic students who had achieved success in the 2016 academic year with fee contribution scholarships at the 2016 Otago Polytechnic Community Pacific Island Scholarship and Secondary School Recognition Awards evening in October. The evening highlighted the outstanding achievements of Otago’s Pacific Island students from both the Otago Polytechnic and a variety of Otago Secondary Schools. Congratulations to all the well deserving students, the Otago Community Trust wishes them all the very best with their future study endeavours.
Anderson's Bay School - Playscape Development
Anderson's Bay School officially opened its 'playscape' development on Friday 9th of December. A project that has taken approximately two years to come to fruition. The Trust team was impressed with the amazing transformation. The Otago Community Trust was pleased to be one of many funders to support this project, providing the school with a $30,000 donation. We congratulate the Anderson's Bay School Parent Teacher Association for a tremendous effort. The video below explains further how this dedicated team have created something special for their school & community.
ODTtv Video - Anderson's Bay Playscape Transformation
Central Otago Wilding Conifer's
Committed volunteers in action! Thanks to Phil Murray from the Central Otago Wilding Conifer Control Group for sending us some great photos of the volunteer crew ready to start work on drilling and filling several hundred trees, some quite large, on a QEII covenant site above Conroy’s Rd in early October. The Otago Community Trust was pleased to provide the Central Otago Wilding Conifer Control Group with a $10,000 donation in December 2015 to assist with year 1 of a 5 year control plan. This included purchasing equipment including loppers, power drills and chemical applicators required to run volunteer days clearing wilding conifers.
Celebrating Success in the Not for Profit Sector - Cargill Enterprises
The Otago Community Trust was very proud to support the Westpac Otago Chamber of Commerce Business Awards last month. The awards evening was a fantastic celebration of innovation, excellence and inspiration. Derek King notes:
"A tremendous honour for us all here at Cargill Enterprises to win the NFP award and we could not be prouder of all of our people, customers and supporters of the Society. Many many thanks to the Otago Community Trust, the Otago Chamber of Commerce and Westpac for such a marvelous event and evening".
Cargill Enterprises - winner of the Otago Community Trust Not for Profit category
From Left: Barbara Bridger, Derek King, Geoff Kemp
Morning tea shout for the Cargill Enterprise team
Courageous and Free Book Launch
'Courageous and Free' was officially launched at the Wanaka Public Library on Armistice Day, November 11. Five dedicated Otago authors have spent two years painstakingly collecting stories about Upper Clutha soldiers and nurses who died during World War 1 service. The Otago Community Trust was pleased to be able to assist the Upper Clutha Historical Records Society with a $1,100 donation towards this wonderful project.
The Otago Community Trust was once again delighted to support this years Dunedin Santa Parade. Here are just a few of the wonderful photos captured from the event. Well done to the passionate and dedicated team of volunteers who bring this parade to Otago families.
Looking Forward - Save the Dates
Below are some key dates to save in your calender's over the next two months.
River Ranage Music Festival - Saturday 14th January 2017
The Otago Community Trust was pleased to provide a $4,500 donation to the Pisa Range Music Society Inc in November to support the 2017 River Range Music Festival. The festival will be held on the 14th of January at the Cromwell Racecourse, it is a full day music festival featuring 15 live acts, starting at 12noon and finishing at 1.30am. The River Range Music Festival has grown each year and has evolved into something Cromwell and the Otago region can be proud of. Learn more about the festival via the link below.
February 2017- LiteClub programme back in Otago
In August the Otago Community Trust donated $43,878 to the Project Litefoot Trust to continue its support towards the implementation of the LiteClub programme across Otago. This donation will ensure that 36 more Otago community sport clubs can access the benefits of the LiteClub programme. The programme will be officially back in Otago in February 2017. If you are interested in registering your club or learning more about the LiteClub programme you can contact Maike Poggel, Planning Manager, Email: or visit the Liteclub website:
Otago Community Trust - Holiday Office Closure