My new "30 days of Kindness"
kicks off today!

One of the strong themes at our call yesterday with Lyssa Adkins was "self care". It that resonated with you, I thought you might like the experiment I am doing, starting today! read on... this is a copy of the newsletter I just sent out on my own website. I am republishing it here, in case you missed it on other channels (apologies if youi get this twice).

-- Deb


I am really excited about a new idea that came to me, well, not exactly IN a dream, but because of a dream!

I'm tired of feeling cynical, manipulated and angry with our leaders. #30daysofkindness is my antidote, to be taken in 10 minute doses daily throughout the holidays, to keep me (and you?) grounded, appreciative and kind with those around us. If we leaders don't do this, who will?

I know you're busy and the timing may seem odd. But my 9-minute video explains all about it. It's on youtube at

Our first journaling prompt went out today, and I include it here below for inspiration:

Theme for week 1: Gratitude

Get something nice to eat or drink (that's the first 5 minutes) and spend 5 more minutes with this prompt today. Set a timer if that helps.

First: Remember someone who was really, truly kind to you. Imagine being back in the situation, and notice how this kindness affects your body, even now.
Then: Write a sentence or two telling them what that meant to you.

That's it! \o/ we've started! I'm really excited.

Will you join us? There's no obligation to follow the whole program, but to get the prompts you need to sign up at

I'm really excited!

PS: please share the video if you like it!


For more details about #30daysofkindness visit

Reach me by email at:



The more the merrier!

Share this message with a friend,
someone who cold use a warm dose of kindness about now
Happy Culture Shifting!
Deborah Preuss
(say, what's up with that cupcake?)

Stay in touch!
Send us your Cocktail ideas at 



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