Probably be the most exciting project I will ever do - Shaykh Siddiqi I think this is the next bitcoin, it is higher than bitcoin - Chandler Guo It's big, it's one of the biggest things I have ever seen
- Prof John Domingue
TRANSACT VALUE WITH YOUR VALUES The idea where we can transact globally with one another based on not just financial but also the social, ethical and religious value … This presents a really really important opportunity - Shaykh Siddiqi
IoV Blockchain Alliance for Good Conference Highlights
IRISH TECH NEWS interview with IoV Blockchain Alliance for Good president
Chandler Guo conf interviewgoes viral with 27,632 hits
Becoming a Social Value Practitioner
As the largest provider of social impact metrics for Social Value Act 2012, more than 20x our nearest competitor. Help design our course
Seratio Coin
A multi-denomination cryptocurrency for strongly aligned vibrant communities to allow transaction of both tangible financial value together with integrated intangible nonfinancial attributes(interactive)
Modelling Values Based Impact Interventions
Based on our Seratio Blockchain 2.0 whitepaper we can forecast the what, where, how, when, whom and the degree of success of your impact strategies into multi-community areas
Let's work together in 2017
In Q1 2017 we are launching:
Blockchain Lab supported by University of Northampton
Solutions working with NCC Modern Slavery Advisory Board
we are world leaders in the capturing of value digitally, turning sentiment into financial value, and now with blockchain we can transact value