HIV Ireland
NewsDesk Weekly
16 December 2016
This is our final NewsDesk for 2016. We wish all our subscribers a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
NewsDesk Weekly will be back again on the week of 9th January 2017.
HPSC - Weekly HIV & STIs Report - Week 49, 2016
Latest data from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre show a total of 8 new cases for week 49 - 2016, bringing the total to 479 HIV new notifications for 2016 to date.
It’s better to know: the ECDC estimate on the undiagnosed fraction
ECDC, 1 December 2016
New data on HIV infection across Europe show that nearly15% of people living with HIV in the EU do not know their status because they have not been diagnosed.
See also:
Estimating HIV Incidence And Number Of Undiagnosed Individuals Living With HIV In The European Union/European Economic Area, 2015
Eurosurveillance, 1 December 2016
Dangerous industrial cleaner linked to rising popularity of ‘chemsex’
The Irish Times, 13 December 2016
A study carried out by the Gay Men’s Health Clinic has found that GHB, normally used as an industrial cleaner, is the most widely used drug in the chemsex scene in Dublin.
More Evidence New Life-Saving Injectable Fights Multi-Drug Resistant HIV
HIV Plus Mag, 9 December 2016
A new long-acting injectable HIV medication declared by the FDA a “breakthrough therapy” could be a lifesaver for people with multi-drug resistant strains of HIV.
See also:
People With Multidrug-Resistant HIV Can Now Start Treatment on the Experimental Drug Ibalizumab
The Body, 14 December 2016
Five Reasons 'HIV Undetectable' Must Equal 'Untransmittable'
The Body, 15 December 2016
Recent studies have showed that people living with HIV who are undetectable are not transmitting the virus to their negative partners, but there is still resistance to this message.
Silence about HIV puts another generation at risk, survivor says
QC Times, 14 December 2016
A HIV-positive woman talks about stigma and fear of consequences faced by those who disclose their status, media sensationalism, and lack of education for young people.
UNAIDS PCB session on ageing and HIV reaffirms that an ageing population of people living with HIV is a measure of success
UNAIDS, 12 December 2016
With the expansion of access to treatment, more people living with HIV are surviving and ageing. The 39th meeting of the UNAIDS PCB has highlighted that treatment, prevention, care and support services should target the specific needs of older people in key populations.
We’re closing the gap: New research on race/ethnic disparities in HIV treatment & viral suppression
BetaBlog, 8 December 2016
A new research on the rates of ART prescriptions by race and ethnicity shows that HIV treatment in the US is making progress in closing gaps in treatment equity.
Multiple motivations for ‘transactional sex’ need to be taken into account when planning interventions for African women
Aidsmap, 13 December 2016
Understanding the nature and motivations of ‘transactional sex’ is essential for the development of effective HIV prevention strategies for African women.
HIV has no borders, but its treatment does. Why this needs to change
The Conversation, 14 December 2016
Challenges in HIV prevention and treatment for asylum seekers in South Africa: Changes in medications, poor adherence and lack of support lead to the development of drug-resistant strains of HIV.
Bad combination: Hepatitis C and HIV medications can interact adversely when used together
Science Daily, 13 December 2016
University of Rhode Island researchers have discovered potential complications in the treatment of HepC and HIV co-infection, as theHepatitis C drug sofosbuvir can adversely interact with HIV drug tenofovir disoproxil.
Heroin Overdoses Killed More People in US Than HIV, Melanoma or Firearms in 2015
ABC News, 9 December 2016
New data from the CDC show that the drug epidemic in the US is getting worse, with more people dying from heroin overdoses than firearm homicides, melanoma or HIV-related causes.
United States: Syringe service use up, but a third of people who inject drugs still share needles
Aidsmap, 6 December 2016
Syringe exchange and distribution services have increased in the last ten years in the United States, with HIV diagnoses among people who inject drugs falling by nearly half, but these services still need to be more widely implemented.
HPV vaccine to be provided to men who have sex with men
The Irish Times, 12 December 2016
The Department of Health has announced that the HPV vaccination will be made available to men who have sex with men through public services, and it will be offered to men aged between 16 and 26 years from January 2017.
See also:
HPV in Men: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Medical News Today, 9 December 2016
‘Outbreak’ of STIs reported at University of Limerick
The Irish Times, 15 December 2016
The University of Limerick is working closely with the HSE following “an outbreak” of STIs on the campus.
Syphilis could become impossible to treat after a common strain of the STI becomes resistant to antibiotics
Daily Mail, 13 December 2016
According to a new study a new antibiotic-resistant strain of syphilis is now spreading around the world, with potential serious consequences.
That STI App On Your Phone Might Not Be Giving You The Best Health Advice
The Huffington Post, 13 December 2016
Of nearly 90 mobile phone apps focusing on STIs, about a third had inaccurate and incomplete information. This significant variation in content, quality and medical advice could lead to sexual health risks for those who search for answers online before talking to a doctor.
Pubic hair grooming linked to sexually transmitted infections
The Guardian, 13 December 2016
Study finds that adults who wax, shave or pluck are twice as likely to get an infection because of cuts – but there are other possible explanations for the link.