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Discover the Schedule, get $120 off a Conference Pass, Meet the MC and more!
December 2016
The Schedule for Devoxx US 2017 is Now Available

Discover what's in store. With 200+ talks presented by 140+ expert speakers, a Hackergarten, Hands-on Labs, Quickies, BoFs, Ignites, and Devoxx4Kids -- there's guaranteed to be something for everyone! The lineup is unbeatable!

Explore the schedule and plan your trip to San Jose!
Who doesn’t love holiday savings?
Enjoy $120 off the price of a full Conference Pass to Devoxx US.
For a limited time only!
Hurry and Register Today! 
Master of Ceremonies, Lover of Donuts: Chet Haase
I've been a huge fan of Devoxx for years. I think 2005 was the first year I was at Devoxx Belgium, and I continued to return almost every year since then. I gave talks spanning the multiple platforms I worked on and the three different employers I had in those years; Devoxx has always been a great general developer conference that encompasses all of the diverse platforms I developed for.
The deep roots of the conference (formerly known as "Javapolis") are, of course, in Java. But there are always tracks and great talks on everything from languages to frameworks to web to server to methodology to mobile to... everything in between. Whatever developers want and need to know about has a solid place at this conference. And you can be sure that these talks won't be fluffy talks aimed at the business execs; these are talks by developers for developers; it's a geek-only crowd that comes to learn and stays to... well, learn.

Many were the years that I enjoyed geeking out at the conference and basking in the atmosphere in an otherwise grey and dismal Antwerp (it turns out that late Autumn is not a balmy time of year there).

Imagine my surprise and joy, then, to hear that Devoxx was coming to the US in 2017. Not only could we have the same great developer experience here, but we could do so without the long travel and warm clothing that Antwerp in November requires. Not only that, but I get to host the event (a role which is completely unclear to me, other than the obvious element of being the scapegoat if things go horribly, horribly wrong).

The conference committee has been working for some time to attract talks from top developers and to winnow that large list into the sessions that will actually be at the conference. These talks span topics from language to tools to mobile to web frameworks. Basically, typical tracks and sessions that help make the existing Devoxx conferences great.

Please join me and other developers for the first, inaugural
Devoxx US conference, March 21-23.

Warm clothing not required.
Editor's Note:

We are thrilled that Chet has agreed to act as the MC for Devoxx US 2017. For those of you who don't know Chet, his presence will be a plus for all. And the Java Posse have agreed to make an appearance at the end of the conference, so expect a good time. Oh, and we solemnly swear not to make Chet our scapegoat, scouts honor. 

Thanks again Chet!

Program Committee Insight

I was very excited to be part of the program committee for Devoxx US, and a little nervous! When I first heard Devoxx US was in partnership with Eclipse, of course my first thought was that JetBrains might not be welcome because of our "rival" IDE.  Of course nothing could be further from the truth. 

Firstly, because the Eclipse Foundation is about so much more than the popular IDE. And secondly because everyone involved in Devoxx US is committed to this being a world-class conference showcasing the best content, without discrimination or favouritism.

I've been primarily looking at the Java Language track, as this is stuff I live and breathe. We've received proposals from fantastic speakers who you'll recognise, and we've had great proposals from brand new speakers. It's always really exciting to see new people submit talks, and we work hard to balance including well-known names and giving a platform to tomorrow's future stars. With submissions from over 500 speakers, this is quite a challenge!

The track that I'm most glad I'm not in charge of is Methodology and Architecture - almost every talk submitted to this track looks like something I want to see, and picking a small subset of these talks is going to be difficult. The speakers in this track have very diverse backgrounds, and things to say that should interest everyone.

With so much great content to pick from, Devoxx US is bound to be a fantastic conference!

- Trisha Gee

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