Greetings from WGNRR! November and December have been exciting and busy months, with many activities to send 2016 off in the best way possible! We want to thank all of our partners and members for joining us in this last part of the year and for taking part in the #StrikeTheStat campaign during the 16 days of Activism. We also had online activity during Women Human Rights Defenders' Day and continue to look forward to working with grassroot organizations online and offline!
In this issue you will find short scripts of our end of year activities, our participation at the Morocco Forum for African and Arab Youth
Driving the 2030 Agenda and our September 28 "Step Into Our Shoes" RECAP Video!
More importantly, as per end of year, we are looking forward to continue working in 2017 and collaborating with SRHR partners and members on new, exciting and ambitious projects. We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to continue with our work this year, and we thank you for your support.
We look forward to continue our work towards the advancement of SRHR for all this upcoming 2017!
We hope you enjoy the newsletter! Happy Holidays!
In solidarity,
The WGNRR Team
All WGNRR offices will be closed from December 21st 2016 to January 4th 2017.
SRHR Campaigns
Information about WGNRR's campaigns, allies' campaigns & calls for solidarity
#StrikeTheStat: November 25 Campaign
This 25th of November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) participated in the online social media mobilizations as part of the 16 days of activism. Under the "Strike The Stat" slogan, we created a series of infographics showcasing different statistics from around the world to raise awareness of the different types of gender-based violence still prevalent today, and to instigate action towards the elimination of these statistics.
Ending all forms of gender-based violence is a human rights obligation. To find out more and to read our statement click here.
September 28 "Step Into Our Shoes" Campaign Video Recap
We are incredibly excited to showcase our 2016 Step Into Our Shoes recap video! This year we reached a huge audience with over 3 million twitter impressions and more than 200 actions worldwide. Please take a look at the video below, and once again we thank you for all your support and participation!
September 28: Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion #StepIntoOurShoes 2016!
WGNRR at Global , Regional and National SRHR Events
WGNRR actively participates in regional and global events related to WGNRR’s focus areas (youth SRHR, sexual rights, access to safe abortion, and access to contraception) as one of its strategies for advocacy and networking.
Morocco Forum for African and Arab Youth and Adolescents
In December, as part of UNFPA's ongoing collaboration efforts with local and regional CSOs for increased youth participation in the 2030 Agenda, Marisol Ruiz (WGNRR Campaigns and Communications Officer) participated in the youth-led forum which took place in Morocco. The Forum brought together youth and other CSO networks from both regions to dialogue on the follow-up to the regional and global ICPD Beyond 2014 agreements and the 2030 Agenda. It was opened by a video message from the President of the General Assembly. Please find it HERE.
It was agreed that with the support of UNFPA, CSOs would develop and accountability framework for the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development and the Cairo Declaration on Population and Development. It was further agreed to strengthen youth and CSO networks in those regions.
The Forum also looked at the following issues: CSE; FGM; youth participation; and youth, peace and security. CSOs shared experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean on accountability mechanisms and youth empowerment.
Please find here the outcome document of the forum: Marrakech Declaration on African and Arab Adolescents and Youth Driving Sustainable Development. The Declaration reaffirms the participants' commitment to follow the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the ICPD Beyond 2014, to ensure that the fulfillment of the rights and needs of young people is achieved.
Following the 2030 Agenda
WGNRR's work to push for SRHR in the Post-2015 agenda, as well as helpful information on the New Development Agenda process for SRHR organizations
WHO Sustainable Development Goals Implementation Report
The World Health Organization has released its new report on the progress being made for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In it, the organization calls for increased recognition of the crucial role of health for development as well as in the achievement of SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Whilst it is undoubtedly true that the WHO has had great progress at both country level as well as in a regional and international level in coordination roles, particularly in strengthening local health systems, the document does not have a single mention of sexual and reproductive health and rights. In spite of the recent strides towards including SRHR language in political agendas, including the Montevideo Consensus of 2013, there is a lot of work yet to be done for the recognition of sexual and reproductive health as a matter of international human rights, justice and development.
Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs)
Highlights of issues that SRHR activists, advocates and defenders face as a result of their work.
Women Human Rights Defenders Day
Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are women who defend human rights, and all persons who defend the rights of women and girls and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. Instead of being applauded, however, they tend to be attacked, ostracized, intimidated, harassed and sometimes, even murdered. This year, to commemorate the women who have given their lives in the fight for the achievement of universal human rights for everyone, ARROW created a beautiful online gallery which can be found here.
International WHRDs day has been celebrated on the 29th of November since 2006. States' international commitments to protect the rights of WHRDs to promote and protect human rights have been recognised since before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in spite of them not being fully realised. This year to raise awareness of the need for accountability for violations against WHRDs and to bring international attention to urgent cases in Mexico,Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey and Thailand, WGNRR contributed to the Statement on International Women Human Rights Defenders Day. Click here to read it.