'71ers - Your ideas and help needed - please let us hear from you
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This email has been designed and emailed entirely by your '71 Class Officers using MailChimp. This is our first one, so let us know how you like it. Please email contact info updates, questions, etc. to SmithClassof1971. We'd love to hear from you! Visit our class website for news, photos and more. 
Dear '71 Classmates,

Wherever this finds you, we hope you are warm, safe and looking forward to a happy 2017.  Remember walking out of your Smith House in the dead of winter and feeling your nostrils freeze - cold like some of us had never experienced it. 

Believe it or not - class notes for the summer issue of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly are due on February 1!  Our Class Secretaries, Jan Fullgraf Golann  and Karen Rohn Osar,  need your news now! If you were at our reunion in 2016, send in a quick impression! If not, your updates are eagerly awaited! High resolution photos are also welcome - be certain to select original size when sending from your phones! They will be looking for your e-mails.
Meanwhile, your class co-presidents ( Carol/Pinki Fontein and Cheryl Winter Lewy) need your input on a few things. See the sidebar on the right and let us know your thoughts and preferences. Email us at SmithClassof1971

A big request -  Class book editor(s) needed now! Everyone wants to see a class book with info and photos. Several people have volunteered to help produce one for the 50th.  But this project can only happen if one or two people step up SOON to lead the project. Let Sarah Peskin know if you’re game and she’ll tell you more about what’s involved.

Maya Lin has completed the design for the new Neilsen Library. It should be finished by 2021 and with luck we may be able to stage one of our 50th reunion activities there. BTW- the date has not been set but we have been assured that our 50th Reunion will be on graduation weekend rather than the off weekend. 
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*   Open Call for suggestions for our 50th Reunion theme. Be bold, creative, daring, irreverent, funny, wise, all of the above. Add art work or thoughts on design, if you’re so inspired. The theme and artwork will be on everything for the next 5 years - class newsletters, website, as well as all Reunion items. Email us at SmithClassof1971 with your suggestions. 

*   Between now and Reunion in 2021, what activities, info/ communications, or anything else would you like us to focus on? Mini reunions in various cities, providing info on ???  Email Pinki and Cheryl 

*  For Reunion - Sarah is already thinking and planning - what activities and events would you like to suggest? Email Sarah with your ideas.

*   House Reps - Now is a good time to sign up to be a House Rep. Our House Rep co-chairs, Ann Crampton and Donna Smerlas, would like to be in touch with the HRs and discuss ways to re-connect with classmates who haven’t ever come to reunion or come only rarely.

*   Webpage - We need help to improve the class website. Connie Weiss has some ideas but needs someone with more technical skills. Please let her know if you'd like to help.  

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Smith College Class of '71 · c/o Carol Fontein · 900 N. Taylor St., Apt. 2005 · Arlington, Va 22203 · USA

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