As a businessman with a full-time job and a brood of growing children, quiet time on the weekend is scarce.
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Best of 2016: Keep your head down

by Tyler Palko | Originally posted on May 24th, 2016

As a businessman with a full-time job and a brood of growing children, quiet time on the weekend is scarce. On a recent Sunday, however, my wife and I found ourselves with two full hours of this precious, uncommon time. All three kids were on the same nap schedule and the yard work and housework was complete. Time to relax.

My wife quickly fell asleep, taking a well-deserved nap! As I’m sure some of you know, taking care of three kids under the age of four is no easy task. Because I am incapable of napping, I turned on the television to find the PGA’s Players Championship coverage. The competition was winding down and the last men standing promised to be an eventful ending to the tournament.

It was during this uninterrupted quiet time that I witnessed a commercial that might be the best of all time. Seriously, I am talking better than any other commercial in the history of television commercials. I know that there might be some people who will debate me on this, but honestly, what I saw was pure genius.

At Solutions 21, we are a global consulting firm that primarily focuses on building better bosses, shaping strategy, and preparing people. We discuss the art and science of these things within leadership. Part of the science behind our method is something called the Reticular Activating System. Your RAS is located in your brain stem and acts as your brain’s front door. You can literally program your brain, or your RAS, to accept or refuse information. Needless to say, once you see this commercial, you’ll understand why my RAS was triggered and the 15-second advertisement uncharacteristically mesmerized me.

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