Happy Holidays from Moore Community House!
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Moore Community House


2016 was a busy year for all of us at Moore Community House! It's hard to believe it's almost over, but before we ring in the New Year, we wanted to let you, our friends and family, know about all that we have going on, including our updated website, We've also included brief updates from our programs below.

Early Head Start

Our Early Head Start program continues to serve 104 wonderful children and families. We have had a busy and fun year, culminating in a holiday door contest that really got the creative and competitive spirit flowing! Some examples of the holiday doors are pictured below; we held a contest on Facebook that reached nearly 7,000 people - the winning door received more than 300 "likes"!
Also this year, we planted and harvested in our garden and had a fall festival. We are always looking for volunteers to help, especially in the garden, so if you have some time in the new year to stop by, please call us!
We are grateful to our community for their support in a variety of ways; for example, our community partners who made our Fall Festival not only fun, but informative as well. We had lots of grandparents there, who made their grandbabies feel special by sharing snack time, and with the help of our partners, we were also able to share an important video on reducing the incident of SIDS. Another example of our community's generosity: our friends at The Peoples Bank recently stopped by with bicycles for all of our children! What a special way to celebrate the holidays!
We are thankful for our dedicated and enthusiastic staff. We hope you will also join us in congratulating our Teachers of the Year, Monica Bradley and Tenisha Hassan.

Finally, we are happy to say we have completed all of our federal reviews with no deficiencies. We are currently in the process of learning about and making changes in order to meet new federal performance standards. 2017 promises to be an equally busy year!
Mary Harrington and the MCH EHS Staff

Women in Construction

The Women in Construction program had an exciting year in 2016, with one of the biggest announcements ever in the program's history. In June, we were one of 14 programs awarded a Strengthening Working Families grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. This $3.5 million grant will allow us to expand our program and provide additional, comprehensive support services and resources, particularly access to child care, for women in Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties. 

One of the first things the grant means is a major expansion of our work space, which we are working on now with the help of some of our WinC graduates!
We are also hiring! Please let your contacts know if you know anyone who would be interested in working with us.

In 2016, we held training courses in both general construction and, for the first time, an electrical class that was very well received by both our students and industry.
Women in Construction's director, Julie Kuklinski, was invited to the White House Summit on Women in 2016, where the Strengthening Working Families grants were announced. Later in the year, Julie was also one of the featured speakers at TEDxJacksonWomen, where she spoke about the many reasons why trade jobs are GREAT jobs for men AND women!
Women in Construction also participated in this year's National Women in Apprenticeship Day on Nov. 17 with an Open House earlier in the month and media appearances on local television stations that week. We are excited to be the Mississippi partner on a $20.4 million initative to expand apprenticeship opportunities around the nation. The 10-member consortium, led by the Chicago Women in Trades and Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc., will work to expand access to apprenticeships among women, people of color, and other underrepresented populations.

We are excited to be a part of it as we expand access to great jobs in trade to women in Mississippi!
Julie Kuklinksi and the MCH WinC Staff
As you can see, 2016 was a great year here at Moore. We also welcomed Evelina Burnett as our new communications director. Please feel free to contact her with any ideas you have on helping us expand recognition of the work we do here in our community. She will also be sending out occasional updates from Moore; if you'd like to change your contact information, there is a link at the bottom of our emails to update preferences or unsubscribe.

We are looking forward to an equally busy and productive 2017. We hope that you are enjoying the holiday season with family and friends, and we are so grateful that you are among our family and friends here at Moore!
Carol Burnett
Executive Director
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