Welcome to Autonomie's last Newsletter for 2016! 
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As 2016 comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for helping us have the best year yet. 2016 has been a year of change and growth for us. We changed our name, welcomed renowned author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers as our Patron and more young people than ever participated on our popular Freedom2Choose programme. We look forward to 2017 with renewed hope and renewed determination. To learn more about our organisation's vision click here

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Freedom2Choose Programme

Freedom2Choose goes from strength to strength with a further 5 young people joining the project since our last newsletter. 

On Saturday 10th of December, to celebrate the end of the current programme participants enjoyed a festive Christmas Meal at Ed's Easy Diner, Boucher Square, Belfast. 

Special thanks to our dedicated and committed programme volunteers and our partners Education Authority and South Belfast Area Project. 


Do you know a young person who wants to make a difference and spare one or two hours a week?

We have exciting volunteer opportunities for 16-19-year-olds at our South Belfast offices.

As a volunteer-led organisation our work empowering children and young people with additional needs to develop the skills to live independently and achieve their potential is only possible thanks to our dedicated volunteers.

We'd love to hear from young people!


We are delighted to announce that our founding member and volunteer coordinator Trevor Boyle has been named a Local Lidl Hero!

Trevor works tirelessly to improve services for local families and we are thrilled that his efforts have been acknowledged by the local community.

Trevor's work plays a central role in enabling our organisation to thrive within the local community and make the lives better for those children and young adults living with additional needs.

Trevor was honoured at an exclusive gala event on the renowned SS Nomadic on 1st of December.  Read more.


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4 Sandhurst Road

Telephone Us: 028 9591 8051
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Autonomie · Lilac House (Linked Independent Living and Advice Centre) · 4 Sandhurst Road · Belfast, Northern Ireland BT71PW · United Kingdom

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