See what's going on in the community. Deadline for Steering Committee candidate blog posts is December 23rd, 2016. Please get those Pull Requests in ASAP.
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December 2016 Carpentries Community Newsletter

Share your thoughts on Twitter @swcarpentry and @datacarpentry.

We've had a great 2016! See everyone again in 2017.

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Upcoming Community Calls

January 19th - 2pm and 11pm UTC - Hear from candidates for the new SWC Steering Committee.

February 16th - 11pm UTC/16th 2pm UTC - Discuss mentorship opportunities with SWC/DC.

We’d like to hear your ideas as we plan future Community Calls! Please share your thoughts!

Community News

Run for the Software Carpentry Steering Committee - If you are interested in taking your community participation to the next level, please consider running for Steering Committee. Details about how to write your candidate blog post. The deadline of December 23rd is fast approaching! So get those posts in soon.

Community Service Awards - We are very pleased to announce the recipients of the Software Carpentry Foundation's first community service awards, which are given annually to recognize work that improves the Foundation's fulfillment of its mission and benefits the broader community. We would like to recognize Kristina Koch, Adrianna Pinska and Jon Pipitone who have each made significant contributions to building and supporting our growing community. More on there contribtions at the blog post announcing their awards.

Greg Wilson steps down as Director of Instructor Training - A new opportunity has come up for Greg Wilson in Toronto that will require less travel, and after a great deal of thought, he has decided to pursue it. At the end of January 2017, he will step down as Director of Instructor Training to take a position as a Computer Science Education Lead at Shopify, where he will help with their CS education partnerships. He's excited to have a chance to work for change locally, but also looks forward to continuing to be involved in the Carpentries as a volunteer, and to many more discussions of teaching, open science, and how awful Git truly is.

Feedback on Communications - What ideas do you have about communication? What do you want to hear from us? We’re going to be working on communication channels and strategies to promote and support these ideas, and continue to make the Carpentries a community that you are excited to be a part of, so please let us know what you think!

Subcommittee Activity

The newly organized Lesson Infrastructure subcommittee is working on a December 2016 publication of SWC lessons. DC lessons are scheduled for initial publication in February 2017.

An effort is underway to revise our lessons’ learning objectives to enable better post-workshop skills assessment. DC staff and a SWC SC representative will meet in-person in January to organize this assessment effort. Please contact if you’re interested in being involved.

The Instructor Trainers have been hard at work! The past two months have seen nine instructor training events on three continents and online with over a hundred new instructors joining the SWC and DC community! There is a vibrant discussion in the issues and PRs of the Github repo swcarpentry/instructor-training if you’d like to get involved.

The Mentoring subcommittee is in need of co-hosts for weekly discussion sessions. Co-hosts help lead discussions with a member of the Mentoring subcommittee. If you’ve taught for SWC/DC, you’re qualified to be a discussion co-host! Please contact Christina Koch ( for more information or to sign up! We’re also starting a new Mentorship program for more individual mentoring. Attend an info session to learn more about the program and share your thoughts on how we can best support our instructor community.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists


The Data Carpentry Blog has debuted four new series in the past two months. We’re very excited about the guest posts from community members and are looking forward to new community contributions! Please contact if you’d like to contribute.

Making art with Python.

How to assess learners in programming classes?

Developing HPC lessons for novices.

Python installers for Windows.

Research in Action podcast with Tracy Teal

Community Job postings

Other places to connect

Have something you’d like to have included send it to
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