Daily Piece of Peace

Simple Steps to a More Balanced Life--Subscribe Now!

It's far easier to manage stress, create balance, and maintain joy and inner peace in your life when you have support.  This newsletter comes (mostly) daily and brings research-backed information, actionable tips, inspirational thoughts, and links to resources you can use to make your life what you want it to be with minimal stress. If this sounds like a lot, don't worry--it's distilled into easy-to-digest messages that help you to start off the day with the right intention and take simple steps that lead you to a better place.

All this comes from me, Dr. Elizabeth Scott, a stress management expert and wellness and ADHD coach from Great Scott Coaching. I've written about stress for more than for sites like About.com, Verywell Mind, and the American Institute of Stress. I'm also the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management, part of W.W. Norton's 8 Keys to Mental Health series.  

And don't worry, I keep your information safe and absolutely private, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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