
Dear friend,

Happy New Year from Chiang Mai, Thailand!

Ah, here it is! A new year filled with new dreams, new hopes, and new aspirations. Ideas are brimming in your heart and mind. We pray that they will bloom into full effect! Resolutions have been made. Hopefully they won’t be broken by the end of January!

2017 has arrived, and with it comes a whole new set of challenges. But the tension of a new year is a good thing. The Kingdom of God is in our midst, ever inviting us to take part in His epic redemptive redemption narrative. 

Don’t you think it’s amazing how God loves to include us in His story? We do.

And that’s why we’re writing you this short greeting. At ActsCo Printing, we are so blessed to serve you and your business, organization, or ministry. Over the years, we have partnered with hundreds of people like you to print literally thousands of pieces of high-quality literature. These books, brochures, business cards, and the like have been shared around the world, inspiring your clients and donors to join your passion.

So here’s a quick reminder in 2017: Your passion is real. Your calling is unique. Your dream is admirable. But remember, you need the tools to articulate your story so that the world will hear you. 

That’s where we come in! Think of ActsCo Printing as your supporting character in a film that you are the lead role. We exist to see you succeed. And we love this role of ours so much that we end up giving you free stuff in the process!

If you haven’t ordered your 2017 ActsCo Printing Daily Planner, you still have time. Order here.

Also, make sure you stop by ActsCo BookHouse for thousands of free books and Christian literature!

But back to the script: You need a new brochure, flyer, business cards, and prayer cards. And what about that book you’ve been dying to print? We specialize in these high-quality print jobs. In fact, we’re the top Google hit when searching “printing in Thailand.”

So jump into your role in 2017. We believe in you! We’re here to see you and your vision succeed and we look forward to partnering with you to make a difference.

Happy New Year from your friends at ActsCo Printing.

Kendall Cobb & your ActsCo Printing team

ActsCo Printing
Design. Print. Change your world.

Phone: +66.53.960.290

Copyright © 2017 ActsCo Printing, All rights reserved.

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