
 Volume 3 | Issue #2 | January 2017

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The FIRST Build Season Begins

The 2017 FIRST season has begun! The new challenge for this year was revealed, prompting work from every student to prepare for the competitions. In the week following the game reveal we have been designing and prototyping parts, editing award submissions, and continuing training for new students. The AdamBots also have completed several outreach and STEM education programs.

General Motors

FCA Foundation

R&G Drummer


Valeo Thermal Systems


State of Michigan

Rochester Advanced Dentistry

Magna Powertrain

Magna Seating Shelby Foam Systems

Tek Pros Today

Karen Bennett

Family and friends

Thank you all so much!

Build season ends
February 21

Meet the AdamBots
February 25

Kettering Competition
March 3

Our team operates year-round, so we are appreciative of all donations, whether they are monetary or otherwise. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at:

Examples include internships, welding mentors, build space, etc.
For the most up to date information on our team, check out our website at

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Each year, the new FIRST game is revealed online globally. This year is no different as the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition Game, FIRST Steamworks, was shown on January 7th. In this challenge, two alliances compete to see who can gather the most fuel, build the most steam pressure, turn the most rotors, and prepare the airships for battle. Our "fuel" comes in the form of balls, which are shot into a boiler where they are scored as stream pressure, counted towards that alliance's score. In the middle of the field, each alliance has one "airship" where many possibilities for points are available. Robots can be designed to pick up and pass gears to a player on the airship to turn rotors, or to climb a rope that is released at the end of the match. No other FIRST game has had human players within the field! When the clock runs out, the alliance with the most points is crowned victor.

The Adambots met as a team in several locations this weekend to watch the live stream of the game release and to discuss the strategy we will be using. Each year the reveal marks the Kettering Kickoff viewing event. Some of the team, as well as other local FIRST teams, met at Kettering University to watch the live stream. We also picked up our kit of parts there. Others met at the Rochester Hills Public Library to see the live stream as a group. On the 8th, the entire team met at Crittenton Hospital to go over the rules of the game together. Several strategies were suggested among different groups and presented to the whole team. Our Game Strategy team met the next day to select our game strategy strategy which we base our robot design upon.

Transition into the FIRST season

With our strategy determined, we quickly got to work. Mechanical teams have been designing and prototyping mechanisms for the robot. The CAD Team has been digitally planning some parts as they continue to refine their skills. Business Planning has been finalizing updates to the Business Plan and developing new methods of tracking team continuity. The Chairman's Team began work on this year's award submissions. Also, the business teams are preparing for Meet the AdamBots.

Save the Date

Meet the AdamBots is a tour of our facilities at the end of the build season. We welcome sponsors, school faculty, and anyone else interested in the team to this 90 munute demonstration and presentation. It will take place on February 25 at a time to be determined. 

The AdamBots have been holding weekly workshops since October. These allow students to preview various tasks before committing to them. In the last week of November students completed surveys to determine which sub-teams they will participate in. Final decisions were made the following week. On December 8, mentors interviewed the candidates for student leadership. Students nominated themselves to apply. After some deliberation leaders were selected for the fifteen sub-teams. Project management teams have been established to organize the various tasks. The teams are prepared to begin the FIRST season.

Additionally, team members interested in CAD or programming have attended training sessions. Intended to teach a basic level of proficiency, these meetings have progressed since early November. As the build season begins students will have an opportunity to use their skills in a practical setting.


2017 FIRST Robotics Competition STEAMWORKS Game Animation
The 2017 FIRST game, Steamworks

STEM Education and Outreach

The AdamBots have continued our outreach events and programs. One such event was to bake cookies for the seniors at Avon Towers to brighten their holidays. We went above and beyond, as we sent 60 bags, of eight cookies, each and two platters for their holiday dinner. We delivered the remaining cookies to the nearby Danish Village residents. Furthermore, we had a surplus of cookie bags. We packaged and sent them to the Rochester Hills Police and Fire Department.

We also wrapped up two STEM education programs for the year. First, the OCCRA team competed at the championships on November 19th. We made it to the semifinals. Throughout the season the team developed skills in organization and teamwork. Additionally, several AdamBots mentored 4th and 5th grade students in FIRST Lego League robotics. Their season also ended on November 19th with a competition. The AdamBots are proud of the accomplishments of our team members and the students we mentor.

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