
Morning Glass of H2O

Welcome to week 1 of 52 Healthy Habits! We are going to start this off with a simple yet very effective healthy habit that you might or might not already be doing. 

This week I want you to start every morning with a glass of room temperature water (add lemon if you like the taste and you will get more bang for your buck). 

Starting your day with a glass of room temperature water will flush your digestive system and re-hydrate your body. Studies have shown that people that drink 2-3 glasses of water first thing in the morning have noticeably more energy and better digestion throughout the day.

Adding lemon to your morning water will help boost your immune system by giving your body the benefits of Vitamin C, which can also help your adrenals which will help your body fight off stress. Don't worry, if you don't like lemon in your water don't add it. You will still get the benefits of flushing your digestive system and re-hydrating your body (after a night of sleeping your body hasn't had anything so starting your day with water makes sense). 

Do you drink water first thing when you get up? Do you add lemon? 

My husband never drinks water when he first gets's a habit I'm trying to help him create, but just like the quote goes "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." haha  It's a work-in-progress for him. He calls me the "water police" because I'm always bringing him his water bottle in the morning because he could be up for hours and not have taken a drink. 

Carrie A Groff
Your Accountability Partner and 52 Healthy Habits Coach

P.S. Don't forget to share in our Facebook Group

P.S.S. Did you know that it actually takes an average of 66 days to form a habit (not the social media 21 days statistic) and some habits take even longer! There was a study done for 84 days and the quickest forming habit did only take 20 days, which was drinking a glass of water after getting up, but other habits like eating a piece of fruit with lunch took twice as long; and the habit of 50 sit-ups after morning coffee was a habit that one participant couldn't form even after 84 days. Walking for 10 minutes after breakfast turned into a habit for another participant after 50 days. More on why some habits stick and others don't in the next lesson.
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