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Have you ever wondered how some people maintain their health with ease and minimal effort while others  are overwhelmed on where to start? Why is it that healthy habits come naturally for some and not others? 
When it comes to health, adopting good habits is essential. However, changing habits and behaviors for long term success is difficult to sustain. In my experience, adopting small changes over time is key to long term success. Learning to cut through complicated steps and simplify how to implement a healthy habit is often referred to as a health hack. 
Do you have a favorite health hack? Here are some of my favorites. Use these or your own as you move into 2017! 

- Alyssa 
10 Health Hacks for a Healthy Weight

  1. Keep a food journal. Studies show keeping a food log or diary—recording what you eat—can help you lose weight and keep it off. There are many apps on the market to help easily track your food intake, but even just keeping a pen and paper is helpful!  

  2. Drink up! Drink more water that is. Staying hydrated is one of those tried and true health hacks. Staying hydrated promotes a healthy weight by improving overall metabolism as well as decreasing overall energy intake.

  3. Toss the temptations. Remove the junk food, cookies, cakes, candy and more from your pantry and fridge. Keep your kitchen stocked with fresh fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient dense foods. And keep those foods visible and easily accessible. (Think veggies cut and ready to eat eye level in the fridge or fruit on the counter.)

  4. Spice up your morning cup of joe. Try replacing the sugar and cream in your coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Not only is cinnamon calorie free, but there are many health benefits associated with cinnamon. Cinnamon has been found to help reduce blood sugar levels and triglycerides as well as serve as an antioxidant to help boost the immune system. This might not give you the same benefit, but try sprinkling cinnamon in your coffee grounds before you brew!

  5. Less is more. Switch to a small plate size and you could reduce overall calorie intake by 20 - 30%. Also, when heading out for a treat, opt for the smaller version of the real thing (such as ice cream) vs a larger size of the reduced fat version. That’s right! Eat the REAL stuff, not a fat free version. Studies show people tend to eat more of a fat free version. There’s a health halo effect of fat free foods making people eat more and therefore it’s counterproductive.

  6. Choose fresh. Eat more fresh, minimally processed foods. Generally speaking, fresh foods will have a higher nutrient density content with more fiber and less sugar than packaged or processed counterparts. Can’t always access fresh fruits or vegetables? Check out the next health hack.

  7. Stock your freezer. Keep your freezer stocked with frozen fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, soups, and stews. Frozen fruits and vegetables are an easy and budget-friendly way to ensure you’re always prepared for a healthy meal or snack!

  8. Shut down screen time. Turn off the TV and remove yourself from the computer or smartphone when eating. Screen time is associated with poorer food choices as well as overeating. Step away and focus on your meal instead of being filled with distractions during meal time.

  9. Swap the sweets. Replace your favorite dessert with fruit. Not only is this a way to consume fewer calories and added sugar, but it’s an excellent way to increase overall nutrient intake. Love ice cream after dinner? Check out Yonana.

  10. Sit down, slow down, taste and enjoy. It takes about 20 minutes for us to realize we’ve had enough to eat. Therefore, eating quickly means we are more likely to overeat. One simple hack is to put your fork down in between bites!

Recipe of the Month: Whey Good Overnight Oats


Servings: 1


  • 1/2 cup Quaker® Oats

  • 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt

  • 1 scoop whey protein

  • 1/3 cup bananas, sliced

  • 1 tablespoon cocoa nibs

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  1. Add Quaker® Oats to your container of choice and add low-fat yogurt.
  2. Mix in the scoop of whey.
  3. Add in layer of sliced bananas.
  4. Top off with cocoa nibs and a drizzle of honey.
  5. Place in fridge and enjoy in the morning or a few hours later!
Take care of your body...
"Take care of your body - it's the only place you have to live."  - Jim Rohn
Fitness Hacks for Busy People


  • Wake up, workout. Research suggest that people who work out early in the morning are more likely to stick with a consistent workout routine. Not a morning person? Don’t sweat it! The key is to find a time that works for you and stay consistent.
  • Enlist a buddy. Find a friend with similar workout goals and make a commitment to meet for weekly workouts. This will help with both motivation and accountability!
  • Use your body. No gym? Tight on time? Incorporate bodyweight workout in your routine. Popular exercises include:
    • Pushups
    • Burpees
    • Lunges
    • Squats 
  • Step it up. Add more steps to your day by doing to simple things such as:
    • Parking at the end of the parking lot
    • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
    • Replace your weekly lunch meeting with a walking meeting 
  • Turn up the beat! Music will help improve performance, increase motivation, and reduce distractions.
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Phone: 602-422-9800
ABOUT Nutrition Resolution, LLC

Alyssa is not your average dietitian.  
Alyssa helps patients address the underlying root cause of their illness so they are able to rebalance their systems and return to their natural state of wellness.  Alyssa uses tools such as medical nutrition therapy, integrative and functional nutrition, specialty testing, personalized meal planning, and dietary supplementation to get her patients well.   Every day, Alyssa helps people who suffer from digestive and inflammatory conditions including IBS, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, food intolerance, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, migraine, arthritis, as well as others.  Click here for more information.

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