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2017 Flower Calendar
2017 Flower Calendar is posted in the church office. Please write your name or family name on the date you would like to have for your dedication. The cost per arrangement is $20 paid to St. Peter's with "Altar Guild" or "Flowers" in the memo line.

UMW Circle
Please join us again for the UMW Fellowship Circle on the third Wednesday January 18th from 10 a.m. until noon.  We will be bagging up "Little Bits" soft toys to get them ready for the agencies. We will also talk about ideas for new projects and enjoy coffee and fellowship. Please call the office if you want a ride.

Operation School Bell
Please join us on Saturday, January 28th, at 10A to 2P, as we gather for fellowship while we knit/crochet hats and scarves for Operation School Bell.  (This is the program that provides new school clothes and handmade hats and scarves for underprivileged school children in Snohomish County.)  Bring your lunch and stay for as long as you can.  If you use to knit but have forgotten how to cast on or bind off, we will gladly refresh your memory!  What to learn how to knit or crochet? We will help you learn!   We will provide yarn, but we also accept donations of any machine washable yarn that may be hiding in the back of your closet. 

Maker Space - Chinese Lanterns 

Ever wondered how to make Chinese Lanterns? Come join us on Saturday, January 28, 2017 from 2-5P as Maker Space sponsors a class on Lantern making! Cost is $10 for supplies, and since it is also Chinese New Year, we will be making sweet rice balls. See Amy Tan-Chan for more details. 

M & M's February Luncheon
Thursday, February  2nd,  2017 at 11:30A, we will be visiting  Big Fish Grill Restaurant  in Issaquah Highlands. The reason we like this one is that they do try to treat us well, they have a  nice parking area at the side/back  of the restaurant. Also it is a nice ride out and one gets to see the mountains if it’s nice weather. The menu is as we like it,  American with some different added items, and prices are reasonable. Address is: 984 N.E. Park Drive, its exit is for the Swedish Hospital, the one after Front Street, (going East. on I-90.) ( As you approach Big Fish you will spot  the theater and go through the shopping center) Take  the exit, for the Highlands,  continue curving up hill to the light, go thru, see the garage,  taking a  slight right to NE Federal, then right to Park Drive, take a right, its uphill, slowly,  pass the restaurant and go left  immediately onto 10th, to  park behind, Then walk in just around the restaurant. If you go too far, take the N.E. High street next right and come up hill two little streets, then right, on 10th for the open parking lot. You are all welcome! RSVP to Rose Hart to reserve your spot!

Family Shelter Update
The Winter Shelter Liaison met recently and it was reported that the Shelter is working well. The numbers in the shelter range from 40 to 48 people including 20 to 24 children. There have been some monetary donations as well as in-kind donations enabling the clients to feel welcome. In-kind donations of clothing or bedding or diapers can be put in the white laundry basket in the narthex. Donations of non-perishable foods for breakfasts and snacks if labeled “Winter Shelter”, can be left in the kitchen and will be used or stored by the shelter that evening. Appropriate donations include socks, boots, booties, mitts/gloves and hats. Baby formula is welcome too.

Family Shelter

Just two days before a snowy, cold New Year arrived, 10 families were welcomed to spend the nights at St. Peter’s. Pastor Steve was on hand to welcome the visitors and give the blessing for the meal of a hearty chicken soup made by John Fountain. The soup was enjoyed by adults and children alike after they had prepared their sleeping space on mats provided by Catholic Community Services, managers of the shelter. Gratefully, donations of sheets, clothing, boots and diapers were received. Kasandra Baber was also able to supply appropriate new books which will be given out later.

The guests are at our church from 8:30 pm to 7:00 am each night. Please do not let any guests into the church prior to 8:30 pm. For questions,contact Pat King 425-396-5141

To provide a meal for the Families, click to go to this website: Sign Up Genius- Winter Shelter

There are still a few dates open: January 17 and February 6 and 7.

Remember, the cost of ingredients can be reimbursed by our Treasurer, Carol Benedict, from the Winter Shelter Fund. Snack items that guests can take with them during the day can be reimbursed through the fill the Pantry Fund.

We are pleased to be able to serve God and the community by sharing our space for the 3 coldest months of the year.

Agape Breakfast 2017
The United Methodist Women's Annual Breakfast (Agape) will be Saturday, February 11th from 9 a.m. until noon. This annual event brings together church women and their friends for a morning of food, fun and fellowship. Each woman is asked to bring a plate of breakfast bread or pastry or a plate of cheese or a plate of fruit. The morning begins with the men serving us this continental breakfast. Following the breakfast is a short program of sharing of new members, funny stories and other traditional readings. Once we have finished our meal we move into the sanctuary for our main program. This year Debbie Dimitre, who is a professional storyteller, will portray Grandma Moses who was a celebrated folk artist in the mid-century. This lasts about an hour. We will celebrate communion together and our program traditionally ends by noon. All women are invited and you are encouraged to bring a friend and older children. We will have child care available for younger children. There will be a sign up in the church narthex starting next Sunday. Please plan to join us. This is approximately our 42nd year for this program. There is no charge for this event. If there are questions please direct them to Debbie Miller or Diana Wilson.

Reading Program
Do you like to read to children? There is a place for you! Kasandra Baber has donated two boxes of children’s books to the Family Shelter. We would like to start a program of using these books to read to the children in the shelter and give them the books afterwards. We plan to start on Friday evening, February 17 and continue for about 6 weeks. The families arrive at 8:30 pm so the reading could start shortly after that and the reader can judge the appropriate amount of time.

St. Peter’s Cares

In recent months our church has continued to reach out as a caring church following the tradition of John Wesley, “Do all the good you can do ……” Contributions from St. Peter’s to Congregations for Kids’ Good Start Back to School program amounted to $574.

In addition, during November, contributions to our Food Bank trunk and our Thanksgiving collection amounted to 186 pounds of food donated to Hopelink and delivered by Wayne and Dianne Lambert along with Steve Rush representing the United Methodist Men. The Food Bank trunk has been a project of the UMM for many years. Donations of non-perishable food are welcome any time of year. During the winter donations of hearty soups, canned chili or canned spaghetti are welcome.

Great Spring Yard Sale

The annual Yard Sale will be held April 28th and 29th this year. This is traditionally a time for members and friends to clean closets, basements and attics looking for things no longer needed or used. These items are put to good use in the Yard Sale which is the source of income for meeting our covenant with our missionary, Katherine Parker in Nepal. Our neighbors and others look forward to this sale for a variety of goods at reasonable prices.

It is time to start setting aside the clothing, toys, dishes, books, jewelry and sporting goods which can be brought to the church the week of April 23rd. Questions? See Pat King or John Fountain.

St. Peter's Links

St. Peter's UMC Website

Church Calendar

Sermon Podcasts

St. Peter's Childcare Center

Contact Information

Ministry & Missions

Katherine Parker-
Missionary to Nepal

Amazon Smile

UMC Market

Card Ministry

Pastoral Care


Thinking Ahead….

Here are dates for all-church events coming up this year. You may want to make note of them.

February 11th- AGAPE Breakfast 

April 28th & 29th- Great Spring Yard Sale

Look for further details on each event as the dates come up.

To contact us:
St. Peter's United Methodist Church 17222 NE 8th Street, Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: 425-747-3210           Website:          Office Hours: M-F, 9A-12P
Our Child Care Center is open Tues., Wed. and Thurs. from 9A-12:30P 
They follow the Bellevue Public School calendar.  Reservation Line: 425-443-5897

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