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2017 Bee Guardianship Classes
Natural Beekeeping Bee Guardian Classes
Corwin Bell teaching in Colorado
 ~ Feb 11 & 12 ~
~ March 18 & 19 ~
~ May 13 & 14 ~
It's that time of year again! Excitement is in the air preparing for spring beekeeping classes!
We get excited this time of year with the thought of spring right around the corner and seeing happy, buzzing bees visiting the first pollen sources and early blooms. We are excited to help guide you in your journey of a backyard Bee Guardian.

The purpose of our classes is to bring people into a more supportive and understanding relationship with the honeybees and support the wonderful work they do in the world. The information we present is both practical knowledge about keeping bees and also about the deep role honeybees play in Nature.

"Please tell Corwin that the workshop was totally outstanding, and gave me such a boost towards starting my own hive. I would recommend your class to anyone who is beginning, because you make it seem so possible, so wondrous, so important, and so natural. Please continue to give it. It was a very special day for me, being with you all outside in all the beauty of nature - a holy experience. Thank you all for all that you do to inspire and educate us. It is deeply appreciated."
M. ~ Boulder, CO.

Corwin Bell teaching a natural beekeping class Paonia, Colorado
Session I Classes
Feb 11 - Boulder, CO
Mar 18 - Boulder, CO
May 13 - Carbondale, CO

This class is for those just getting started. We will cover basic bee ecology, how the bees communicate with each other in the hive, explain why bees are a super-organism, and the importance of honeybee genetic diversity.You will learn how to set up the hive for bees, obtaining bees, catching a swarm and getting the bees into the hive. You will learn the reasoning behind treatment-free, natural beekeeping (it may surprise you). We will demonstrate how to work with the bees in an altruistic, gentle manner so that a symbiotic relationship is formed with the bees. And if there are combs to harvest, we will demonstrate how to harvest and process honey comb.
Register for the Colorado Session I Classes
Corwin Bell teaching a natural beekeping class Paonia, Colorado
Session 2 Classes
Feb 12 - Boulder, CO
Mar 19 - Boulder, CO
May 14 - Carbondale, CO

This class is for the bee guardian who has taken the beginner class. In this class you will understand what is required to develop an in-depth working relationship with the bees. The class will cover a deeper understanding of the intimate workings of the colony and the brood nest, so that the you can confidentially work your hive and feel comfortable interacting with the bees. We will cover spring harvesting, queen-less hives, over wintering and processing all comb types. Session 2 is hands-on, going through several "non-live" hives for assessment and understanding how the honey bee nest is created and organized.  If weather permits we will also be able to gain experience in working with live hives.

We will also introduce the new Cathedral Hive designed by Corwin, its design and its advantages. This is a chance to see how this new hive works and how it is an evolution in top bar beekeeping!
Register for the Colorado - Session 2 Classes
Natural Beekeeping Classes Colorado, Washington Corwin Bell
Session 1 & 2
Sign up for both Sessions

Feb 11 & 12 - Boulder, CO
Mar 18 & 19 - Boulder, CO
May 13 & 14 - Carbondale, CO
$150 for both days

The weekend of workshops is for the bee guardian who wants to dive in, experience and learn as much as possible toward getting started with bees.
This 2 day, in-depth workshop covers all of the basics toward getting started with bees. We with demonstrate the practical steps for setting up your hive, getting bees established in your hive and a though presentation of hive seasonal management.
Register for the Colorado - Session 1 & 2 Classes
Corwin Bell Natural Beekeeping Classes Cathedral Hive Workshop April 30, Boulder, CO
The Cathedral Hive Workshop
Boulder, CO
Date to be determined

Please let us know if you are interested in the Cathedral Hive class which will be held in Boulder, CO.

This will be a hands-on workshop exploring Corwin's new Cathedral hive design. This course will explore a fascinating and revolutionary approach to ethical hive care and sensitive practices. Many of the management techniques are similar to a normal top bar hive but there are some big differences in ease of use and management techniques.
Learn about this new hive and why it is the next evolution in top bar hive designs!
Email if interested in the Cathedral Hive Workshop, Boulder, CO
Get ready for Spring Time!
Spring Time Beekeeping
Build a hive, buy a hive, take classes,
read all the material you can to prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime.
Whether you are just starting beekeeping or have had a colony of bees for several years, there is always more to learn. Winter time is a great time to get your hives set and ready for bees and to gather all the information you can to get started or get ready to harvest combs from your hives in the spring.

Just getting started? Check out our DVD, it is full of all the information you need to get started. Buy or build a hive. Visit our online BackYardHive Shop for all of the tools and equipment you need to get started. Check out all of our articles and information on our website, Beekeeping Articles, FAQs.

There is plenty of time to build one of our BackYardHive Top Bar Hives with a set of our detailed hive plans.

Golden Mean Hive and Bee Guardianship Method DVDDVD
Or for a more challenging project build the Cathedral Hive from our plans!

The Cathedral Hive ready for bees!
We have been Teaching Bee Guardian Classes since 2007 In Colorado and several other states.
Our classes are unique in that we teach completely treatment-free beekeeping methods, which have been proven effective by the success of hundreds of our students healthy hives. In our class curriculum we teach a bee-centric philosophy that Improves the health of bees through methods that encourage survivor genetics of the honeybee. Our classes are in-depth, inspirational and will give you the confidence to start your adventure in bee guardianship and continue a life-long journey of caring for bees.
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Corwin Catching a Swarm
Corwin Bell founder of was founded by long time treatment-free Bee Guardian Corwin Bell. In 1995 Bell started keeping bees due to a long time fascination with this delicate pollinator. From the beginning Corwin always built his own hives. Early on, before beekeepers recognized the massive value of survivor behaviors preserved in the genetics of wild swarms, Bell made it his mission to field every call and save as many wild swarms as he could. He began getting an ever increasing number of phone calls alerting him of swarms that needed to be captured and given a good home. With each swarm Bell would take the opportunity to build and test different hive designs, idea's and features. The hives offered today on are an accumulation of many years of trial and error which include many successes and many happy colonies of bees! Our top bar hives represent Corwin's years of refinement to every detail about the hive.

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