
January Newsletter

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Dear Ross Juniors Supporter,

Happy New Year!

Huge thanks to all of the children, parents and coaches who helped with the recent Morrisons bag packing. Through the generosity of Ross shoppers, we raised an incredible £1500 which is a record for us. To put this into perspective, we spend around £5000 each year hiring winter training facilities at JKHS and around £7000 on pitch maintenance so this is a very welcome boost for the club funds and hopefully will mean that we don't have to put training and match fees up for next season.

Our European tour is almost sold out with only 5 places left. If you would like to join the 100 others who have already secured their places, please email Paul Flitney (

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Ross Juniors FC Committee
More Volunteers Needed

Ever thought about getting more involved with the club? For over 500 members we are very short on committee members and always keen to hear from those interested in coaching. We will mentor you and help you achieve coaching qualifications through The FA.

If your football knowledge is not up to scratch perhaps you could spare a couple of hours helping to serve in the clubhouse? Or how about writing grant applications? All you need is bags of enthusiasm and to be computer literate for this one. We are keen to create separate female changing rooms and showers which we already have plans for, but need somebody to assist with the grant process. We are a friendly bunch and don't bite, honest!
We have great plans to expand even further but this is only possible if we have enough volunteers to help us do so. Please speak to Jim Loftus, our chairman, for more details. He can be reached via email ( or just give him a ring on 01989 566255. Even just 1 hour a week helping out makes such a difference to the club.
Teenage Leaders

Are you 14-18 years old and want to get into sport after school? Volunteering with us is fun, great for your CV and will give you a unique opportunity to coach children under supervision. Whether it's refereeing or coaching, the club will support you by providing opportunities and will assist with qualifications in return for regular commitment. Please email if interested.


Tue 7 Mar 6:30pm - Managers Meeting

22 - 25 Jul - RJFC European Tour

RJFC Bobble Hats

* Available to purchase from the clubhouse
* Red or black
* Priced @ £7
Boots for sale

Due to popular demand, we need more second-hand football and astro boots to sell. If your child has outgrown theirs, please consider donating them to the collection in the club house. All proceeds are going to RJFC.
RJFC website
RJFC online Shop
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