Jan, 13, Friday, start 4 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Jan. 20, Friday, starts 7 pm
"Gifting Event”
Denver Rescue Mission/Crossing
6100 Smith Road, Denver 80216
Jan. 21, Sat. Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton 80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Jan. 27, Friday, start 4 pm
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Feb 18, Sat. Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton 80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
March 18, Sat. Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton 80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
April 15, Sat. Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton 80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Reminder: There will be Treasure Time Gifting Events added as agencies set dates, check our website and look at the CALENDAR! www.sweetdreaminabag.org
Please--- if you can help with any Event call Susie 303-507-2098 or email: Susie@sweetdreaminabag.org
Updated: 1/8/2017