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Hey, everyone, God bless you and welcome to 2017!!
—I pray it works out to be a really good year for you! I know 2016 was tough for many people, and lots of folks are a bit leery about this New Year and what it holds, even as it’s just starting, due to the outcome of the US elections, the deaths of so many famous people, the disturbing wars that continue battering our weary world population, continued deterioration of the weather, morality, and public safety in general, and the likes. It seems everything is going wrong on nearly all fronts as we end the last year and begin entering into this one, and there’s a bit of a sense of foreboding in the social media.

Well, I personally don’t know what’s going to happen, or as the song says, ‘Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand - but I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand.’  I’m claiming that ‘the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord, and he delights in His way’…For me 2016 was actually a VERY good year, looking back at it from a bit of a distance now that it has whizzed by, for which I am very grateful:

I was able to release 4 new albums containing some of my most favorite songs in the whole world:

More Like You
Love Will Reign
Glimpses of Heaven
Más Como Tú  

This year’s work included 4 tracks from scratch, finishing up 12 tracks that I had started in 2015, re-mastering one project I had finished a few years  (Glimpses of Heaven), and finalizing 3 masters of some of the songs I use most in my travels! I even got to practice a new skill (still learning) with creating an album cover myself in Photoshop! [I won’t tell you which one, to avoid fame, blame, or shame…]


—I was able to continue traveling and ministering with Rauna May this year as well, which a few times including bringing my lovely Marianne along. We didn’t end up going to as many places as planned due to unexpected changes of circumstance of various types; but we did manage to get to Costa Rica, Florida, India, Mexico, and Canada! We spent a total of 146 days together ministering in different situations, for a total of 2/5ths of the year. 

—Thanks to faithful and generous supporters to my studio work, I was able to get needed equipment including an excellent new microphone (very needed), and many useful studio programs to speed up and improve studio production.

—As well as the Christian material produced, I was able to create 12 new music tracks to use in a restaurant where I sing pretty regularly, as well as private events, with the group ECOS. 

—We were able to make 4 trips this year to visit our children in Texas, Vancouver, and Ensenada; and 3 of our kids visited us here in Mexico.—A highlight of our year for sure!

—I acquired a Nikon D60 camera second-hand, and have begun exercising buried photography gifts after years of leaving it aside—and enjoying it immensely! Have begun learning Lightroom and Photoshop along with that.

It has been a great year of growing in the knowledge of the Lord and the workings of the kingdom; He has led me to many interested teachers and courses, along with my continued daily Bible reading. I am SO GRATEFUL for the abundance of Word and solid teachings that are available, and of course for finding the best of the best from amongst the massive amounts of info out there. I try to stick with people who have the fruits to back up their teachings, and am inspired by all I have discovered. My best time of the day is still my mornings with Him in His word!!

I’ll leave you with the chorus from a song I wrote the last chance I had time to work on song-writing, that sums up what I’d like to say to each and everyone, to ensure a WONDERFUL 2017:

Give Him your life - He knows what you don’t know;
Give Him your heart - He will fill it with a peace you’ve never known;    
Give him your hand - and He’ll take you to where you want to go,
And you’ll know just where that is when you finally let go.

Give Him your life - He sees what you go through;
Give Him your heart - He feels each and every pain that troubles you;
Give Him your hand - and He’ll lead to a love that’s ever true,
and you’ll see how how real He is when you finally let Him get to you.

Ministering in the town of La Esperanza, this December, where we brought, songs, books, clothes and Jesus el Salvador!
Copyright © 2017 Jerry Paladino, All rights reserved.

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