This week at Proctor
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Lake Proctor is no more, thanks to our diligent SRCS district maintenance crew! This photo was taken at 3pm on Sunday the 8th.

Upcoming Dates:

1/9: First day back at school!

1/10: Dine & Donate: Mary's Pizza Shack (Downtown/4th st) - Please join Mary’s Pizza Shack in supporting Proctor Terrace Elementary School at a Dine & Donate Fundraiser on Tuesday, January 10th, 2017

Bring this flyer to the Mary’s Pizza Shack in Downtown Santa Rosa on 4th Street and support Proctor Terrace Elementary School! 20% of your purchase will be donated to the school when you present this flyer with your order.

1/11: Walk and Roll

1/12: PTA Meeting, 6:30pm in the Library

1/13: Spirit Day - Twin Day. Pick a partner and dress up as twins!

1/14: Second Dinner Dance & Auction Meeting. Click here to email the DDA crew if you're interested in attending.

Improving Proctor Terrace Facilities:

The Proctor Terrace PTA Facilities Committee is interested in learning what projects you believe would enhance the Proctor Terrace campus.

The committee is working with the PTA, the principal and the Santa Rosa City Schools to enhance our campus but needs your input to create priorities. Based on your feedback, the committee will work with the district and the principal to group the potential projects into five different areas:

1 - Could be completed by a volunteer work party
2 - Could be funded from the PTA Budget
3 - Could be grant funded
4 - Could be a candidate for school and community fundraising
5 - Are part of the current bond
6 - None of the above

As you may know, there are some projects that will happen as part of the recent bond and we encourage you to go to to get additional information on those improvements and their timelines.  

Please take a moment to help us improve Proctor Terrace for the students of today and those in the future.

Click here to take the survey (English) 

En Español 
Those who have ordered Tiger Togs: thank you for your patience as we shop for new and more convenient vendors. If you would like a refund, please contact Bess at
We are looking for a Girl's Basketball Coach. This is a paid position. Please email Ms. Olmsted if interested.

Proctor Boy's Basketball Schedule:

Wednesday 1/11/17 @Roseland 4:30
Friday 1/13/17 home vs Monroe 4:15
Tuesday 1/17/17 home vs Riebli 4:00
Wednesday 1/18/17@Bellevue 5:30
Tuesday 1/24/17home vs San Miguel 4:15
Friday 1/27/17 @Hidden Valley 4:00
Tuesday 1/31/17 home vs Roseland Cr. 4:30
Thursday 2/2/17 @RLS 4:30
Monday 2/6/17 home vs Sheppard 4:30
Friday 2/17/17 @ JX Wilson 5:30
Tuesday 2/21/17 @ Strawberry (red) 4:00
Thursday 3/2/17 home vs SR Charter 4:00

Tournament March 6-10 @ Elsie Allen High

Miscellaneous Announcements:

Please click here for the January 2017 Home and School connection mailer, including helpful tips for parents.
Please click here for the January 2017 hot lunch menu

Proctor needs two noon supervisors!
Can you help?
Apply here

Free Money for Proctor!

Have you bookmarked the Amazon link yet? Over this past year, Proctor Terrace has earned almost $1 for every $15 spent on Amazon using this link. That's huge! And it's free!
No walking, no volunteering, no cupcakes needed for this fundraiser... Just click and shop as usual. Please pass on those business cards to friends and family before Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The money for our school could grow exponentially.

Thank you!

Remember, the link is:

Classroom Wishlists:

Proctor Terrace teachers have created wishlists to make it easier for parents to directly support their children’s classrooms and school. Each teacher can choose items and supplies that would make a difference in their classrooms, parents can easily purchase the exact items the teachers want, and Amazon ships and keeps track of it all to avoid duplicate purchases. If you do not see your teacher on the list, please ask them to create one. 

Please click here for more details and to view your classroom's wishlist 

Calendar & Communications:

Reminder: you can always find the Proctor calendar at the link below, including links and instructions for adding this calendar to your devices.

If you're a new or returning parent, please make sure you sign up for our mailing list here. Please help us out by sharing this info with any new Proctor parents.:

We also communicate via our website, and the PTES PTA facebook. Please feel free to forward this information to any friends or family interested in Proctor Terrace Elementary.


New Announcements:

Would you like to include an announcement or event on this weekly mailer? Please submit your announcement or event at least a week before the event via email. Please try to include as much detail as possible, and any attachments or websites. Mailers are sent every Monday evening. Thanks!

Amazon Update:

Please remember to use this link before you shop at Amazon. You can bookmark this link and use it for future Amazon visits. 

Every bit helps, thanks! Here's the current breakdown of Amazon money for this month.
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