Winter quarter has begun and we are in full swing here at The Sanctuary. Below you will find information on our new Episcopal Priest, our Spring Break mission trip, a new format for Wednesday Dinners and what's coming up for worship at The Well!
Welcome Rev. Shelly Fayette & Christ Episcopal Church to The Sanctuary!
After a period of discernment within our Episcopal partners, Christ Episcopal Church has determined they are called to the wonderful world of campus ministry. In December, we bid a loving farewell to Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick who had been serving the Episcopal Campus Ministry for 5 years and now we welcome Christ Episcopal Church and their Rector, Rev. Shelly Fayette into our work. Shelly has a fascinating background in both life and work, is passionate about bringing Christ's love to all people, especially young adults, and is also passionate about social justice work. We are excited to have her aboard and to work in a new partnership with Christ Episcopal Church. For more information about Rev. Shelly, visit our website!
Spring Break Trip to learn about border issues in El Paso/Juarez with Iglesia Christiano Cristo Rey March 18 - 25
One of the big topics of conversation this past election season has been immigration. For many of us, immigration is an abstraction, something that at most we read about in the news or on social media. We want to immerse ourselves in the lives of those effected by immigration, to hear their stories and meet the people living with immigration so that we might come to greater understanding and come back changed. The trip will cost and estimated $1000/student, but there will be financial assistance available for those who need it. We want to make sure anyone who wants to go can go. Students interested in going on the trip should contact Pastor Elizabeth for pre-trip meeting dates. If you would like to contribute to funds for the trip contact Pastor Elizabeth or go to our donations page. For more information on the trip, head to our website.
Love Revolution Dinner Club: Wednesdays, 7pm

What is justice?

The word justice is thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? More importantly, what does it mean to you? How do we work for justice? What is the justice that we seek? Why do we define justice the way we do? 
Pastor Elizabeth is making dinner -- not sure what, but it will be tasty!

Come, join the discussion.
The Well
Sunday, 7pm

Come and see

In the Gospel according to John, Jesus first words to the disciples are an invitation, "Come and see." He offers them the opportunity to follow him. How do we invite people into a life of faith? More over, to what are we inviting them? How do we bring people into our community and show people God's grace? What is Jesus inviting us to come and see today?
Come and see...
Other Events:

Sunday Study Space!
This quarter, we are going to be open on Sunday afternoons starting at 2 for study space for anyone who needs it. We'll have snacks, beverages, and a simple dinner for anyone who wants to come by!

Coffee & Cookies
Wednesdays 11:30 - 2:30 (or until we run out), meet us in front of the HUB for free cookies, coffee and love. If you want to help share the love, let Pastor Elizabeth know!
As a campus ministry, we depend on the donations of supporters like you to keep our ministry going strong, meeting the needs of students and sharing Christ's love. Your donations help us live out our mission at the University of Washington. Thank you for your support!
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