Make a difference today!

Words From Our Directors.

On January 8, the 10th of Tevet, at 1:23PM there was a terror attack in Jerusalem. This attack took the lives of 4 soldiers and injured another 15.

2,442 years ago on the same day, there was a siege laid around Jerusalem.

For many of us when we hear the news, it's shocking at first, but then we move on. For the soldiers and the families and friends of the victims, it's a feeling that stays with them forever. The question for us, is how to perpetuate the memory of those who lost their lives, and pray for a complete and speedy recovery for the victims in critical condition.

We have just launched a Mitzvah campaign for the Lone Soldiers. The goal is for the Lone Soldiers to do a simple act of goodness and kindness to a fellow and inspire their colleagues to join as well. This might seem like a small undertaking but it takes only one small act to ignite the spark that will ultimately multiply into many more and bring about the complete and revealed redemption.


Mordy Botnick
Ari Abramowitz

Mazal tov to all the Nachal soldiers who had their Tekes (swearing in ceremony!) It was amazing to be there for the tens of soldiers who otherwise had no family there to share in their achievement. May they have incredible strength and courage to protect our land throughout their service. After the Tekes we enjoyed a delicious pizza party back at Chayal el Chayal!
Sponsor a pizza party!

Earlier this month, a terrorist mercilessly ran his truck through a group of soldiers, wounding over a dozen and killing four. 

That Monday nights Parsha class was sponsored in loving memory of the 4 soldiers who were killed, Yael Yekutiel, Shir Hajaj, Shira Tzur and Erez Orbach OB"M.

Sunday also marked the Yartzheit of Rabbi Dovid Edelman, a man whose love for the IDF soldiers knew no bounds. Through Rabbi Edelman's influence with Chayal el Chayal's founder and co director, Mordy Botnick, Chayal el Chayal is flourishing today.

May their memory be a blessing.


Chayal el Chayal's third annual winter gear campaign is a massive success! Our Soldiers are coming in empty handed and leaving with bundles of warmth! From the best in the industry- fleece tactical jackets, to warm onesies and soft winter gloves. Thanks to our generous friends and partners, our soldiers will be extra warm this winter!!
Golani Swearing in Ceremony!

Our Golani Lone Soldiers were sworn into the IDF at the Kotel on January 18th. Seeing their smiling faces constantly reminds us what we are here for.

Mazal Tov and Hatzlachah on this milestone in your service! May you go from strength to strength!

Tzfat Shabbaton!

Chayal el Chayal traveled to Tzfat for an amazing Shabbaton at Ascent! Thank you Ascent for giving the soldiers such an unforgettable experience!

We enjoyed a remarkable live concert, explored the Old City and the Artist Colony, and Farbrengened way into the night.

Shabbat was let out with Mordy singing the Havdalah blessing while everyone sang and danced along!

Bodedim B'Yachad

Off to a great start with our post army conversational Arabic class. With such a high demand, we had to split the class into two! Many Former Lone Soldiers work at security jobs, rendering this class to be very helpful! 
Help us help them!
If you have ideas or suggestions on ways we can make the soldiers feel at home, send an email to
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