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The CP Motivator - February Edition

Hi Team,
Yehaa - we are in the full swing of event season! Coast to Coast and Challenge Wanaka have been ticked off, we are in the middle of the Godzone and this weekend sees the starters gun fire on Motatapu, NZ Ironman and Graperide all on the same day.  There are great events on all year round, but this is the time of the year where most of you put your toe on the start line somewhere around the country to give it your best.
I hope that your event has either gone to plan and you are currently basking in your glory or you are all set to give it your best shot.
We look forward to cheering you on and being able to share in your success
Richard (The Skipper and Editor)

CP Coaching - New membership options!

At CP, we believe that change is good and we also believe that our CP Coaching will make the difference in you getting over the line according to plan and ensure that you have a great day out!  We are excited to offer new coaching membership options that are available now that will mean that we will be help you when you need it.
Head to this link to find out more

Team CP's 'Backroad 100'
This year Team CP invites you to join us for a late summer weekend of riding through the farmland, hills and bays of North Canterbury. Saturdays ride will be 100km of fantastic backroads – ending up in Hanmer for a shared dinner and overnight. Being a Team CP ride there will be good chance of some competitive sections along the way and perhaps a wee amount of gravel. The Team CP support van will be on hand throughout the day to provide back up, spare gear, food and hydration. Sunday morning offers the opportunity for a lazy morning or a run or bike before we all return to Christchurch late afternoon.

Book now, numbers are limited $195

Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 14th March - Sports Science Testing Day
  • Friday 31st March CP End of Season Party @Twisted Hop in Ferrymead.  Dress code = Your medal or event t-shirt
  • 8-9 April: Team CP 'Backroad 100' - join us for a late summer weekend of riding through the farmland, hills and bays of North Canterbury.
  • 5-7 May: Hanmer 1/2 or 10km - Join us for a weekend away
  • 24th June: 10 year birthday party! - Thats right we have been in business for 10 years - don't miss this one.
  • 13-16 July Velothon Bike Tour - Sunshine Coast, Australia.  Join CP Coach Penelope for some summer riding in the middle of winter.
  • 27th August: Spring Brunch Ride
  • 27th September: CP Social and guest speaker - Overseas running adventures
  • 18th October: CP Social and guest speaker - Doing your first cycle tour or Brevet 
  • 17-19 November - Travel with us to the QT Marathon
  • 6th December CP Christmas party
#teamcp at an event near you!
Race season is upon us and we want to cheer you on!  Take a photo of yourself at an event in your CP gear, tag us in the photo on Facebook #teamcp and you will automatically go into a draw to win a Team CP Hoodie to relax in afterwards! 

Our first winner is James Owen!  Thanks for flying the flag James

Hut Bagging Competition and the winner is...
One year soon I am going to have a proper crack at this competition... After another dismal year of bagging just one hut and having to endure the fantastic stories and photos of adventures all over the back country we have a winner.
Well done to Bryan Prestidge, Reta Trotman and Rachel Baker for making it into the top 3.

So a drumroll please... and the winner is ... Reta with an epic 46 huts, closely followed by Rachel on 39 and Bryan in the bronze medal position with 25. 

Group Sessions - in full swing!
Our weekly groups sessions are firing on all cylinders.  We have already had some fantastic sessions and are super excited about the ones coming up!  Make sure to take note of the session you want to come to and just in case you were wondering, here's when you'll get to see the Team CP coaches during the week:

Sunday - Roady Kat/Penelope/Brett (Beckenham CC)
Monday - MTB with Kat (McLeans)
Tuesday am - Run with Penelope (Hagley Park)
Tuesday pm - Cross Train with Penelope (St Martins)
Wednesday - Group ride with Richard/Kat/Chris (Pioneer)
Thursday - Run with Simon (Halswell Quarry

North Canterbury - Chch Marathon Run Group

If this is your first time preparing for the iconic Canterbury event or you are a seasoned runner wanting to improve your time join our team to help you achieve your goal.

The package includes your race entry, 3 months of weekly group running sessions, support from an awesome group of people, an online training plan, our proven CP nutrition resource and heaps more.

Click here to book your spot or find out more

Sports Science Testing Day
Do you have a heart rate monitor, GPS device or power meter that you use to help track your training intensity that you would like to use more accurately?

On Tuesday the 14th of March we have booked out the University of Canterbury's Sport Science centre to give you the opportunity to complete a Lactate Test.  By completing the lactate test you will be given specific intensities to use in your training so you can get the most out of each session.  We have done a deal and it will only cost you $100 (that is crazy cheap!) and there 5 slots available between 12noon and 7pm.  Flick us an email to book your spot

Abby's Top Health Tips of 2017

  1. Think about making healthy lifestyle changes and NOT weight loss goals. This will make it a lot easier to maintain a healthy weight all year round. It may seem frustrating to lose weight slowly but it works, trust me! The best success that I have had with clients is when they make small changes to their diet over time. Don’t be fooled by the newest fad diet of 2017, whatever it may be!
  2. Make your goal a positive action. Instead of saying you will ‘cut out sugar’ focus on adding more vegetables to your diet.
  3. Reward yourself with things other than food, such as a new pair of Lululemon pants or a manicure. This will help you stick to your healthier habits, with a bonus of looking amazing at the gym!
For more awesome tips from Abby click here
Reta's peak of the Week
If you are looking for a weekend activity, why not follow Reta's example and bag a peak?  Each week, Reta will be sharing her adventures of peak bagging while inspiring you to get out and see the beauty around you from a different perspective. If you would like some new ideas of where to go or would just like to follow her adventures you can find them all here!

Millie's next big adventure

Millie has just completed the Coast to Coast and 2 weeks later she has her sights set on her next adventure...

"So I need to keep moving, I can’t stop, got to keep my lungs and my body fit and healthy. So next bucket list item to tick off is the Ironman70.3. This is Rotorua in December."

To read the latest from Millie click here 

CP Coaches Final Thoughts  - Making a Choice

Preparing for an endurance event, running a business, studying or bringing up a young family takes a significant amount of time, effort and focus.

When you are trying to do all four then something has to give.  I often hear of people having to make the sacrifice to put the hours in at work or to train more.  But I disagree with this, we make a choice about what is most important to us and then put our energy, focus and time there. Which ever we choose, or don't choose, the results will follow.

A week ago I completed the 1/2 Challenge Wanaka (a 1.9km Swim, 90km Cycle and 21.1km Run).  The reason why I signed up for this is that I believe it is important that I continue to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone as it makes me a better coach. I am a below average swimmer and I completed 7 open water swims in my build up, my cycle training consisted of a ride or two a week and with the longest being a 60km around local flat roads and running maxed out at 12kms.  

I was underprepared and in a perfect world not where I wanted to be.  But I had made a choice and that choice was my family and business were the first 2 priorities... I hoped that I had done enough to get around.  

I did get round, and as predicted it did get pretty ugly towards the end.  But I finished and was stoked to do so.  Will I be back? Yes I would love to and as my brain phases out the ugly bits I think I actually enjoyed it... Now I just need to delete some of those photos.

So make a choice about what you would like to achieve, the level you want to do it and give it your best shot.


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