Assessor Notebook
Discussing your assessment findings with physicians
After an assessor reviews the medical records, the next step is an in-depth discussion with the assessed physician about your findings. This discussion, or interview, is a vital part of the assessment as it provides physicians with the context for your conclusions and the opportunity to address any concerns. Assessors should try to structure a fulsome discussion that includes your assessment findings, recommendations and suggestions, as well as a clear narrative about clinical care and record keeping.
When an assessment shows that the physician’s practice is satisfactory, then the discussion is an ideal opportunity to promote continuous quality improvement by validating the care provided and talking about additional opportunities for practice improvement. Finally, don’t forget, in addition to your objective findings, your assessment report should include comments that reflect the nature and scope of the assessment interview and the physician’s responsiveness to your suggestions.
What’s in a name? The GPPA is now the MDPAC - The General Practice Psychotherapy Association (GPPA) recently changed its name to the Medical Psychotherapy Association Canada (MDPAC). Take a look at the updated MDPAC website for more information.
The CPSO after-hours drop box is no more - Assessors in the vicinity of the College’s Toronto office have always had the option of leaving their assessment reports at the College after hours by using the building’s drop slot. However, for security reasons, the College recently removed the drop slot. This means you can now only drop off your assessment reports and other packages during the regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can, of course, continue to send your reports to the College through regular mail. Please remember that you must not send reports via email. If you have any questions about the best way to send us your reports, contact Claudia Frisch or your Assessment Coordinator.
Reminder: Changes to Out-of-Hospital Premises (OHP) Standards - In December, the College Council approved an update to the Out-of-Hospitals Premises Inspection Program Standards that increase the responsibilities and accountability of OHP Medical Directors. The changes are limited to Sections 2, 5, 7 and 8 of the Standards, and OHP assessors should review these sections carefully. OHPs will need to comply with the new Standards by June 7, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact the College’s OHP staff.
New rules for expense claims and HST Reimbursement - Effective January 1, 2017, you can only claim and be reimbursed the HST for your attendance, report writing, preparation, and travel time. This change was made to comply with Canada Revenue Agency HST reimbursement rules. The College’s Statement of Services Rendered form has been modified to reflect this change.
Increase to assessor remuneration rate: The new remuneration rate for physician assessors is $160.00/hour, effective January 1, 2017.
Thank you for being an assessor! In December, assessor certificates and seals were sent to all assessors to say thank you for your contributions and commitment to our assessment programs.
Medical regulation and, indeed, all the work we do at the College can only succeed with the participation of physicians like you. So, thank you for helping ensure our professionally-led model of governance remains vital and healthy. Do let us know if you did not receive your certificate or seal.
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