News Release - Procession West
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- For Immediate Release

Procession West

Photographers explore the Canadian West with large format film cameras
To begin our celebration of Canada 150, the Saskatchewan Craft Council presents Procession West, an exploration of Western Canadian landscapes captured on film by photographers Robert S. Michiel (Vernon, BC) and Robert S. Pohl (Edmonton, AB). 

Both artists have invested more than a decade documenting their attachment to the Canadian landscape. Michiel and Pohl shoot traditionally, with large format film cameras, transporting heavy equipment into the field and processing and printing the resulting images themselves. Many of their photographs are captured by cameras first developed during the mid-1800s, the type which require a cloth placed over the photographer’s head. Their disciplined approach to traditional photography produces sharp, atmospheric depictions of the Canadian landscape.

The images take the viewer on a visual journey across the Western Provinces. Beginning on the Great Plains, we see large skies and distant horizons. Moving towards the Badlands, Michiel and Pohl’s black and white photographs feature harsh light and an eroding landscape. The visual journey across the Western Provinces continues through the parklands, foothills, majestic mountains, and the ruggedness of the Pacific coast. 

Procession West consists of 40 framed works.

The exhibition opens at the Saskatchewan Craft Council on January 13, 2017. A public reception will be held on Friday, January 27 from 7 to 9 pm.
For more information or high resolution images please contact:
  Stephanie Canning or Maia Stark, SCC Exhibitions & Education Coordinators
  Saskatchewan Craft Council Ph: 306-653-3616 ext. 2
  813 Broadway Avenue Email:
  Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B5 Website:
About Triadica Events:
Exhibition Dates:        January 13 to February 18, 2017
Reception:                  Friday, January 27, 2 - 9 pm
To purchase work online:
About the Saskatchewan Craft Council:
Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery, 813 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon 306.653.3616 
Hours of operation: M-W, F: 10AM-5PM; Th, 10AM-8PM; Sat: 10-5PM, Closed Sun

The Saskatchewan Craft Council operates Saskatchewan’s only public gallery dedicated to Fine Craft exhibitions. We offer visitors the opportunity to explore Fine Craft through eight exhibitions annually and our Fine Craft Boutique. New to the SCC is our Online Gallery which allows purchases of art from current exhibitions.

                 gratefully acknowledges the support of
"After The Rain" by Robert S. Pohl

"Ancient Roots" by Robert S. Michiel
Copyright © 2017 Saskatchewan Craft Council, All rights reserved.

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