
SAMHSA Opioid Use Disorder Resources 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has created an interactive, online decision-making tool to help people who are seeking recovery from opioid use disorder. The Decisions in Recovery tool and handbook offer resources including:
  • Easy-to-understand information about Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) 
  • Tools to help people in recovery identify personal goals
  • Videos about recovery stories and experiences
  • ...and more! 
To access the Decisions in Recovery tool, click here

Montague Catholic Social Ministries

Montague Catholic Social Ministries (MCSM) will continue to offer many great programs and events throughout 2017! MCSM programs include:
  • Parent to Parent - a peer-facilitated support group
  • Montague Institute for New Directions (MIND) - a free, twelve-week skills building and leadership training program for women who are ready to take the next step in their lives
  • The GARDEN Project - a free program where women living on low incomes learn how to grow organic food in small spaces, preserve food to keep or sell, create food focused cooperatives, and install & maintain a permaculture garden
Click here for a complete January 2017 calendar of events. 
"Montague Catholic Social Ministries works to strengthen, encourage and support people in our community through outreach, family education, positive conflict resolution, leadership development and group empowerment."

Improving Community Health Through Local Policy Change

A free webinar!

The Community Health Training Institute is hosting a free webinar titled Improving Community Health Through Local Policy Change. Learning objectives of this webinar are to:
  1. Define policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change
  2. Describe local PSE change examples
  3. Identify key components and strategies to incorporate PSEs in community initiatives
When? Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 10:00am - 11:30am

For more information and registration, click here

MOAR Recovery Messaging

Do you have a recovery story to share? Join MOAR at one of the following Recovery Messaging meetings!

The Greenfield meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 18, from 3:30 - 5:00 pm at the RECOVER project in Greenfield (25 Federal Street). 

Click the image above for details and flyer. 

Job Posting: Partners for a Healthier Community

Partners for a Healthier Community (PHC) is hiring a Senior Research Associate:

"PHC's Senior Research Associate is accountable for developing, implementing and overseeing research assessment and evaluation projects, including assistance to subcontractors and community partners allied with PHC in these efforts. The research and evaluation projects will focus on a variety of types of project, including direct service programs, systems and policy change, and collective impact."

For a complete job posting and information on how to apply, click here. To learn more about PHC, visit their website

SAMHSA Funding Opportunity

State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grants from SAMHSA
Over the next 2 years (beginning in fiscal year 2017) SAMHSA will provide up to $970 million to states and territories to address the opioid crisis. This funding opportunity is designed to:
  1. Provide support to states for increasing access to treatment 
  2. Reduce unmet treatment needs
  3. Reduce opioid-related overdose deaths
Please note that SAMHSA is hosting a pre-application Technical Assistance (TA) webinar on January 18, 2017, 3:00–4:30 p.m. EST. For more information about this opportunity, click here.

SCOPE of Pain Training

On Friday, February 10, from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm there will be a SCOPE of Pain Training in Waltham, MA. 

"SCOPE of Pain is designed to help you safely and effectively manage patients with chronic pain, when appropriate, with opioid analgesics. The Waltham meeting includes essential clinical content on opioid prescribing as well as state-specific information, including a policy and resource panel with representatives from State and local agencies. SCOPE of Pain Waltham is provided Boston University School of Medicine and New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HDTA). National collaborators include the Council of Medical Specialty Societies and the Federation of State Medical Boards."

Click here for more information about this training or visit the Scope of Pain website.

This is a great opportunity for physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, nurses, physician assistants, and pharmacists.

Attachment, Regulation, and Competency Framework

Have you heard about the Attachment, Regulation, and Comptecency (ARC) Framework? ARC is an intervention designed to help children and adolescents with a history of complex trauma, along with their caregiving systems. The ARC Framework focuses on three key domains:
  1. Attachment
  2. Regulation
  3. Resiliency 
The ARC website is an excellent resource
for community members, providers and organizations working to support trauma-informed care.
Do you have information, resources or upcoming events you would like to include in our newsletter? If so, we want to hear from you! Newsletter content can be sent to Tess Jurgensen at 


And Resources
Click below for overdose prevention materials that can be downloaded, printed and shared at your community organization.
Click here to download our one-page Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Resource Guide 

Click here for online educational materials for healthcare providers about prescribing and distributing naloxone. 

Click here for online training resources about how to respond to an opioid overdose.


Upcoming Task Force
Committee Meetings:

Treatment and Recovery
Friday, February 3rd 10-11:30 am
GCC Downtown
270 Main Street in Greenfield

Please email Deb Neubauer at if you would like to join for this meeting.

Healthcare Solutions
Friday, January 20th 10-12 pm
Olver Transit Center
12 Olive Street in Greenfield

Please email Phoebe Walker at if you would like to join for this meeting. 
Save a Life. Call 911.
You are Protected by the
Good Samaritan Law.


Join the State Without StigMA Campaign!  

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Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region · 43 Hope Street, Room 1705 · Greenfield, MA 01301 · USA

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